Robot zoomorfi, droni, IA e mappe 3D per il monitoraggio delle foreste
Un progetto di ricerca internazionale utilizza nuove tecnologie per monitorare con precisione le foreste e utilizzare i dati raccolti per combattere il cambiamento climatico.
With a focus on sustainability and an interdisciplinary approach, our faculty offers top-ranked programmes and conducts innovative research in agricultural and horticultural sciences, environmental management, and food sciences.
Sustainability and interdisciplinarity constitute the starting point for the solution of complex issues related to the use of natural and human resources for agricultural and horticultural production in mountain territories and the transformation of raw materials into final food products.
The students enrolled at our faculty are part of a unique study environment characterised by many outdoor study activities in fields, farms, and forests. Moreover, students can participate in unusual as well as very structured learning experiences in the faculty’s outstanding high-tech laboratories. Finally, students benefit from close interaction with world-class lecturers and access to other state-of-the-art facilities such as our lecture halls and library.
The opportunity to take part in exchange and international cooperation programmes with universities all over the world offers students, researchers and lecturers the ideal context to pursue their professional and education goals in academia.
The faculty ranked among the top 500 faculties worldwide in the 2023 Times Higher Education Life Sciences subject ranking and as fifth out of more than 40 Italian departments/faculties of agricultural sciences.
Un progetto di ricerca internazionale utilizza nuove tecnologie per monitorare con precisione le foreste e utilizzare i dati raccolti per combattere il cambiamento climatico.
Dalla ricerca alimentare una possibile applicazione per trasformare il siero di latte in una fonte di antiossidanti con potenziale applicazione nella conservazione degli alimenti.
Un sistema di allerta precoce basato sull’intelligenza artificiale rivela una massiccia perdita di foreste in Ucraina durante la guerra.
The research carried out within the faculty focuses on the fields of agricultural/horticultural sciences, mountain-specific technology and food science and technology. The faculty is equipped with a whole lot of different research labs at NOI Techpark.
Dean: Prof. Marco Gobbetti (photo)
Vice-Dean for Studies: Prof. Christian Fischer
Vice-Dean for Research: Prof. Matthias Gauly
Head of the Faculty Secretariat: Magdalena Vigl
Student Representatives in the Faculty Council: Giulia Casapiccola, Giacomo Ganzerli
The faculty collaborates with private businesses and institutions, at a local and international level, such as the Laimburg Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, local agricultural producers and producer organizations and top-level restaurants. In our laboratories at the NOI Techpark, we carry out basic research and place particular emphasis on cooperation with local and international companies and organizations in terms of knowledge transfer.
The faculty is a ministerial-approved, official exam site for passing the state exam as junior and senior agronomist and forester as well as professional food technologist.
31 Mar 2025 14:00-17:30
04 Apr 2025 14:00-16:30
11 Apr 2025 10:00-12:00