The Student Sprint Returns for a Dynamic 2024 Edition at NOI Techpark
Scheduled from February 26 to March 1, 2024, this engaging entrepreneurial initiative for students will take place at the NOI Techpark.
Scheduled from February 26 to March 1, 2024, this engaging entrepreneurial initiative for students will take place at the NOI Techpark.
Handwerk und Design hätten gemeinsam ein großes Potenzial, um das Kunsthandwerk neu zu beleben, ist Prof. Kuno Prey überzeugt. Bei einem Themenabend wurden dafür Weichen gestellt.
Il convegno del 29 e 30 novembre si focalizzerà sulle pratiche ed esperienze di ideazione e costruzione dell’oggetto-libro. La partecipazione è libera.
L’antropologa Paola Trevisan terrà una conferenza lunedì 27 novembre 2023, alle ore 17.30, nel Centro Trevi a Bolzano. Organizza il Centro di Competenza Storia regionale.
Bei einer öffentlich zugänglichen Tagung in Bozen werden am 23. November kritische Aspekte in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung und -politik beleuchtet.
From 23 November to 9 December. The main objective? To raise awareness of gender-based violence, highlight the importance of language and encourage social activism.
Workshop weeks: 7th-13th and 14th-20th of July 2024 in Göttingen (Germany). Develop an OpenTextbook for an inclusive and intersectional, multi-dimensional approach in teacher education.
La conferenza internazionale esplorerà le sfumature della pedagogia del gioco e della didattica ludica nel contesto della scuola primaria. Il 23 e 24 novembre 2023.
The two Professors of the Faculty of Economics and Management have been included in the Highly Cited Researchers 2023 in the Field of Economics and Business.
Am 22. November wird im Filmclub Bozen der Dokumentarfilm „Was mit Unku geschah. Das kurze Leben der Erna Lauenburger“ von Jana Müller gezeigt.