Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie
Rector's Decree n. 629/2022 of 06.05.2022
Development and optimisation of microbial fermentation processes in major fermented foods.
Send applications and publications to
Free University of Bozen – Bolzano
Personnel Office Academic Staff (calls)
Piazza Università, 1 - C. P. 276
39100 Bozen-Bolzano
Deadline for sending applications and publications
Selection Board: decree of appointment
Rector's Decree n. 753/2022 of 31.05.2022
Approval of documents
Rector's Decree n. 866/2022 of 27.06.2022
The first of the ranking list
Ameur Hana
Selection procedure for 1 post of first level “Tecnologo” (A) with fixed-term contract in the academic discipline AGR/16 (Agricultural microbiology)
Number applications
The oral exam will take place on 17.06.2022 from 9:00 to 9:30 CEST