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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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Agricultural Sciences


Producing healthy food through agricultural systems that avoid negative environmental impacts is one of the main challenge globally as well locally. We focus our research mainly on plant crops and livestock systems suitable for the mountain areas. We have expertise in soil fertility, plant physiology and biochemistry, entomology, plant pathology, agricultural engineering, crop management, animal science, agricultural economics and law. Studies mainly deal with the complexity of biological systems, the interactions among organisms, precision farming, livestock performance and welfare, the effects of climate change and economic system evaluation.
Our research aims at improving the quality of agricultural products and the sustainability of the production process at local, national and international level, by developing production systems and novel technologies that increase yields, the quality of the products and animal welfare, while reducing the use of not renewable resources, environmental pollution and production costs.
Covered topics
  • Agricultural and food law research
  • Agricultural and rural economics, management and marketing
  • Interactions of crop plants with insects and pathogens
  • Livestock production systems
  • Orchard and vineyard management
  • Soil fertility, plant nutrition and root physiology
  • Technologies for agriculture and forestry innovations

List of publications



Massimo Tagliavini

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