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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Tenured full professors | Physiology and ecology of tree ecosystem

Massimo Tagliavini

Short bio

1991 Ph.D. 1991-1997 Post Doc. 1998-2017 Associate professor Un. Bologna. 2007-now: Professor at UNIBZ. 2008-2014: Dean of the Faculty Science and Technology.  The overarching topics of my research are the exchanges of carbon, mineral nutrients and water, and energy between soil, plants and atmosphere in managed tree ecosystems and how they are affected by the climate change and management techniques. I do research into ecophysiological processes that modify resource efficiency and allow for the development of a more sustainable production systems. To achieve the goals, my research integrates several techniques including micrometeorology, eco physiological methods, use of stable isotopes, tree biometry and modelling. The research spans from monitoring water and carbon fluxes under field conditions to manipulative experiments in orchards or vineyards or under controlled conditions using potted plants in greenhouses or growth chambers. Part of my research focuses on adaptation measures that can be put into place in tree ecosystems to cope with multiples summer stressors, like extreme summer heat, drought and high solar radiation, and aims at predicting the ability of tree ecosystems to act as sink or source of atmospheric carbon in a climate change scenario. I've published more than 200 scientific articles and more than 100 in  peer reviewed international Journals.  Invited speaker and organizer of many international conferences. Editorial board member of Europ. J. Agron. and Tree Phys. Editor of the Journal of the Italian Society for Horticultural Science. 2000-2005 and 2012-2017: Chairman of the WG on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops of ISHS. 2016-2022: President Italian Society Horticultural Sci. 2020-2023: President Italian Assoc. of Scientific Agricultural Societies. 2016-now: Vice-President of “EURAC Research”.


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Discover more about Massimo Tagliavini

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To the magazine

Main Research Areas

Ecologically friendly management of tree crops. Tree physiology and ecosystem studies related to carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, water fluxes, mineral nutrition, roots, rhizodeposition.
we use a number of different techniques in our studies including micrometeorological approach and stable isotopes.

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