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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Tenured full professors | Physiology and ecology of tree ecosystem

Massimo Tagliavini

Short bio

1991 Ph.D. 1991-1997 Post Doc. 1998-2017 Associate professor Un. Bologna. 2007-now: Professor at UNIBZ. 2008-2014: Dean of the Faculty Science and Technology.  Main research interests: tree eco-physiology, water, nutrient and carbon fluxes.  He has published more than 200 papers, more than 80 in  peer reviewed Journals(IF: 31 Scopus) . Invited speaker and organizer of many international conferences. Editorial board member of Europ.J. of Agronomy and Tree Phys. Editor of the Journal of the Italian Society for Horticultural Science. 2000-2005 and 2012-2017: Chairman of the WG on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops of ISHS. 2016-2022 President Italian Society Horticultural Sci. 2020-2023 President Italian Assoc. Scientific Agricultural Societies. 2016-2023: Vice-President of “EURAC Research”.


Agricultural Ecology and Principles of Plant Production

40185 · AGR/03 · L-25 Agricultural, Food and Mountain Environmental Sciences · EN

Ecosystems and plant Ecophysiology

44517 · AGR/03 · LM-69 IMaHS · EN

Principles of Tree Cultivation

40188 · AGR/03 · L-25 Agricultural, Food and Mountain Environmental Sciences · IT

Scientific method in horticultural research

44530B · AGR/03 · LM-69 IMaHS · EN

Statistical methods for agricultural and environmental sciences

46059 · PhD MEA - Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems · EN

Main Research Areas

Ecologically friendly management of tree crops. Tree physiology and ecosystem studies related to carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, water fluxes, mineral nutrition, roots, rhizodeposition.
we use a number of different techniques in our studies including micrometeorological approach and stable isotopes.

Selected publications

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