Departments Press and Events
Contact Kris Krois
08 Jul 2021 09:00-17:00
Foundations and Visions for a New European Bauhaus of the Alps
An Invitation to the 7 Workshops at the NOI Techpark. Art, architecture, and design can help shape the profound transformation of ways of life and production.
Departments Press and Events
Contact Kris Krois
In the historic Bauhaus, people from the most diverse directions of art, architecture, design, and other fields came together to work on the social challenges of their time. In the face of intensifying multiple crises, the task now is to shape the profound transformation of ways of life and production. Art, architecture, and design can contribute to this - in cooperation with other disciplines and with organizations or people from all sectors of society.
The EU's website on the subject states that a "New European Bauhaus makes the connection between the European 'Green New Deal' and our living spaces. ... a call to all Europeans to work together to develop and realize visions of a sustainable and inclusive, aesthetically, intellectually and emotionally engaging future." It "aims to reach out to artists, activists, designers, architects, students, scientists, engineers, creative minds of all disciplines, policymakers and all interested citizens." from the "Suggestions for the Award for the new European Bauhaus 2021".
We invite you to work together on the foundations and visions for a New European Bauhaus of the Alps, because "the 'New European Bauhaus' initiative is based on joint design. It is an invitation to creative minds to participate, lead discussions and generate ideas to develop an innovative policy framework. Ultimately, it is about fostering a sustainable movement for new ways of thinking that generate lasting communities and inclusive, sustained dialogues." from the EU „Call for partnerships“.
The aim is to break down the New European Bauhaus initiative to a regional level. To this end, a working group has been set up in South Tyrol that currently consists of four main players: the South Tyrolean regional administration, Eurac Research, the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, and CasaClima Agency. This NEB South Tyrol is primarily to analyze and interpret the initiative from a mountain perspective. If you want to be part of this process to make South Tyrol attractive, sustainable, and collaborative, you are cordially invited to our workshops. Take this opportunity to express your opinion and thus strengthen the movement towards the New European Bauhaus of the Mountains.
How can an experimentation and networking platform be designed that serves "the cooperation between thinkers and doers who want to shape our future forms of living together" in order to develop "innovative solutions for complex social problems in a participatory process"? from the EU's "About the initiative"
We want to develop answers to this question in 7 workshops. The workshops will be led by people from the working group that was formed on the initiative of the Liaison Office Brussels of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano. All topics will be related to the Alpine region in an interconnected world: a diverse habitat of extreme conditions, rich in resources and living experiences, and at the same time fragile - exemplary for the relationship between man and environment as much as between local and global.
The Program
The workshops by no means cover all relevant areas and issues. They are a start for an open process. We are happy to invite you to this!
Sustainability and affordable housing
CasaClima Agency, Uwe Staffler
Circular Design and Bio-Economy
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Aart van Bezooijen and Nitzan Cohen
Digital transformation for the common good
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Secil Ugur Yavuz and Maria Menendez-Blanco
Design and Art of Education
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Gerda Videsott and Giorgio Camuffo
Design and Art of Democracy
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Jennifer Schubert and Kris Krois
Creative Industries and inclusive society
Eurac Research, Eleonora Psenner & Bianca Elzenbaumer
Valorization of sustainable and beautiful built environment
Eurac Research, Roberto Lollini & Team
The workshops are preceded by the 7 x 7 session. Here we will offer short inputs on each topic. The session will take place hybrid (online and in the NOI Techpark). The workshops will work on-site at the NOI in groups of max. 15 participants. Confirmed speakers: Fraunhofer Italia, AigriTec, Mattro, Saga Robotics, MavTech, BerMarTEC