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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

LocationCampus Brixen-Bressanone

Departments Press and Events

Contact Prof. Maria Cristina Gatti, Prof. Jeanette Hoffmann, Prof. Martina Irsara

08 Oct - 09 Oct 2021

Storytelling as a cultural practice - pedagogical and linguistic perspectives

1st International Conference - Online

LocationCampus Brixen-Bressanone

Departments Press and Events

Contact Prof. Maria Cristina Gatti, Prof. Jeanette Hoffmann, Prof. Martina Irsara

Storytelling as a cultural practice permeates all phases and areas of human life. From their earliest days, children grow into a culture of storytelling, acquire language and develop writing skills, are introduced to literature through stories and learn to communicate through storytelling in multimodal ways: orally and in writing, by playing, drawing, designing, singing and more. In the process of narrating, experiences are structured, identitiesare formed, social contexts are shaped, and wishes and futures are imagined. Narrative connects different times in history and diverse linguistic-cultural spaces, but it also requires time and space itself. Against the background of an educational landscape that is currently competence-oriented, the questionarises as to what role the art of storytelling plays in educational contexts and what possibilities it opens up for learning. This conference aims to address this question theoretically and empirically from pedagogical and linguistic perspectives.

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Registration and conference fee:

For registration click here

Registration possible until 03.10.21
Early-bird until 25.09.21 - 50,00 €
Standard price from 26.09.21 to 03.10.21 - 70,00 €
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