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Libera Università di Bolzano


Titolo del progetto di ricerca: "COCkPIT - Collaborative Construction Process Management"

Descrizione dell'attività da svolgere dal/la collaboratore/trice:
"The project COCKPiT develops methodologies and tools for managing construction projects. One line of research focuses on the scheduling and monitoring of work within a company. The project has developed tools to collect monitoring data of running projects. These data can be used currently to check the material progress of the project. In principle, they can also be used to infer in a novel way the efficiency of the budget use.
The task of the collaborator will be to develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the actual progress of the project. The actual progress of the project does not depend only on the activities performed or the units completed, but will take into account also other aspects such as the difficulty of performing the activity, complications in certain construction areas, number of workers needed and so forth.
There will be both KPIs that are specific to activities and task types as well as KPIs for larger portions of the project and the full project. The development of the KPIs will be visualized in a dashboard."

Responsabile: prof. Werner Nutt

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