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Libera Università di Bolzano

Professoresse e Professori ordinari di ruolo | Knowledge Representation and Databases

Enrico Franconi

Short bio

The research area I am working on is related to the application of database, artificial intelligence, and semantic technologies to concrete problems in information systems design and maintenance, in data integration, intelligent access, analysis and restructuring of big data. This subject area is quite vast, and involves both theoretical and applicative skills: the appropriate balance between these two aspects can provide a unique added value to the research area. My goal is to let practitioners to apply foundational results, and push theoreticians to understand the complex nature of the real issues.


Data Semantics

73070 · INF/01 · Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica per la Data Science · EN

Foundation of Artificial Intelligence

76251A · INF/01 · Corso di laurea in Informatica · EN

Leggi di più su Enrico Franconi

Informatica Intelligenza artificiale Salute

Diagnosi precoce dell’ictus cerebrale. unibz nel consorzio di ricerca nazionale

Progetto pilota nazionale POS-T2-STROKE: Gruppo di ricerca di unibz è incaricato di sviluppare gli a…

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Macroaree di ricerca


The KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data was founded in 2002 by Enrico Franconi, who is currently its director, and it aims at being an international centre of excellence in basic and applied research on Knowledge Representation and Database technologies and at proposing to selected enterprises innovative ideas and technologies based on the research developed in the centre.

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