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Libera Università di Bolzano

Professoresse e Professori associati di ruolo | Ingegneria Gestionale

Guido Orzes

+39 0471 017697

BZ L5.01
Facoltà di Ingegneria
NOI Techpark - via Bruno Buozzi, 1
Orario di ricevimento
Martedì, 18:00 - 19:00
By email appointment.

Short bio

Guido Orzes, PhD is Associate Professor in Management Engineering at the Free University of Bozen (Italy). He has also been Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Exeter Business School (UK) and Visiting Scholar at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (USA). His research focuses on international sourcing and manufacturing and their social and environmental implications and has been published in leading operations management and international business journals such as the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, the International Journal of Production Economics, the International Business Review, and the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.


Economia applicata all'ingegneria

42171 · ING-IND/35 · Corso di laurea in Ingegneria Industriale Meccanica · EN

Economia e Management

42420 · ING-IND/35 · Corso di laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica e dei Sistemi ciberfisici · EN

Management Control and Business Planning

47554 · ING-IND/35 · Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Industriale Meccanica · EN

Process and Technology Management

47540B · ING-IND/35 · Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Industriale Meccanica · EN

Students Sprint

42192 · ING-IND/35 · Corso di laurea in Ingegneria Industriale Meccanica · EN

Leggi di più su Guido Orzes

Eventi Collaborazioni

AVA 3. Incontro con i rappresentanti ANVUR

Al via i lavori per l’“Assicurazione della Qualità” in Ateneo. Si è tenuto oggi a Bolzano l’incontro…

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Ingegneria Intelligenza artificiale Progetti UE

Accompagnare le imprese nel futuro

unibz annuncia due nuovi Master di 1° livello per laureati triennali, imprenditori e professionisti,…

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Ingegneria Sostenibilità Riconoscimento

Guido Orzes Awarded for his Research on Digital Platforms for Sustainability

The unibz professor was awarded with the Best Paper Award at the 33rd IPSERA Conference in Rio de Ja…

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To the magazine

Macroaree di ricerca

Offshoring and Reshoring strategies
Social and environmental sustainability 
Global Sourcing organizational design and International Purchasing Offices

Pubblicazioni selezionate

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