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Libera Università di Bolzano

Eventi passati

past events

  • “Kindheit am Berg" (Childhood in the mountains), 14.-16.01.2010;
  • “Exploration into Childhood”, 14th International Symposium for School Life and School History Museums & Collections, 29.6.-3.7.2011;
  • “Mehrsprachigkeit und Schulbuch" (Multilingualism and school books), in cooperation with the University of Augsburg and the “Internationale Gesellschaft für Schulbuchforschung” (International Society for School Book Research), 22.-24.09.2011;
  • “Die Einführung der Pflichtschule durch Maria Theresia und deren Auswirkung auf die Alphabetisierung“ (Introduction of the Compulsory School by Maria Theresia and its effects on the population’s alphabetization), in cooperation with Museo Storico di Trento (History Museum of Trento), 19.12.2013;
  • „BIWI meets BIB 2013: Lesefertigkeiten und Strategien entwickeln", Development of reading skills and strategies, in cooperation with the in cooperation with the field Innovation and Counselling of the Educational Department of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano, 11.-22.03.2013;
  • „BIWI meets BIB 2013: Aktiv entdeckender Mathematikunterricht", Active discovery during mathematic lessons, in cooperation with the field Innovation and Counselling of the Educational Department of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano, 06.-17.05.2014;
  • „50 Jahre Einheitsmittelschule in Südtirol“ (50 years of Middle School in South Tyrol), in cooperation with the ASM, 17.-18.12.2014;
  • „BIWI meets BIB 2014: Kreativ-expressiver Bereich für die Kindergärten, Grund- und Mittelschule - Musik, Kunst, kreative Techniken" (Creative-expressive area for kindergarten, primary and lower secondary schools – music, art, creative techniques), in cooperation with the field Innovation and Counselling of the Educational Department of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano, 12. -21.03.2014;
  • „BIWI meets BIB 2014: Naturwissenschaften und Technik im Kindergarten, in der Grund- und Mittelschule" (Science and technology in kindergarten, primary and lower secondary schools), in cooperation with the field Innovation and Counselling of the Educational Department of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano, 6.-16.05.2014;
  • "Internationaler Kleinschulgipfel - Kleine Schulen in der Welt" (International Conference - Small Schools in the world), 28.-30.08.2014;
  • „Kindheit, Schule und Krieg“ (Childhood, school and war), in cooperation with the University of Augsburg, 15.12.2014;
  • „Der „andere Weg“ im Südtiroler Bildungssystem: Historische und aktuelle Herausforderungen des dualen Bildungssystems - Il percorso dell'apprendistato nel sistema formativo dell'Alto Adige: considerazioni storiche e sfide attuali“ (The „other way“ in South Tyrol’s educational system: historical and present challenges of the dual educational system, in cooperation with the Inspectorate for professional schools of the Autonomous Province Bozen/Bolzano), 04.12.2015;
  • “Education in Civil Society: Community-oriented small and rural Schools as avant-garde Structures”, in cooperation with the PH Ludwigsburg, 27.-29.10.2016;
  • „Biografisch relevante Bildungsorte: Zur Bedeutung non-formaler Lernprozesse und –kontexte für Persönlichkeitsbildung und individuellen Werdegang - Gli ambienti formativi nella loro rilevanza biografica. Sull'importanza dei contesti e processi di formazione non-formali nello sviluppo della propria individualità e personalità“ (Educational spaces and their biographic relevance: on the importance of non-formal learning processes for individuality and personality creation), 12.12.2016;
  • „Migration und Schule“(Migration and School), in cooperation with the Institute for Contemporary History of the University of Innsbruck, 03.-05.04.2017;
  • „Europe and Educational Media“, in cooperation with the International Society of Historical and Systematic Research on Textbook and Educational Media e.V., 05.-07.10.2018.
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