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Libera Università di Bolzano

Professoresse e Professori associati di ruolo | Eco-Social Design

Kris Krois

Short bio

I am teaching/researching in the transdisciplinary and practice-based MA Eco-Social Design. With students, teachers/researchers and partners from neighbourhoods, agricultures, sciences and activism, I am co-creating design practices, tools and structures that contribute to social-ecological transformations towards more solidary and sustainable modes of living and production. For this I am trying to draw things, ideas and actors together, among others when curating the annual conference By Design or by Disaster → blog, contributing to the regional Climate Citizen Assembly, Climate Action, KAUZ – Laboratory for Climate Justice, Work and Future, New European Bauhaus of the Mountains, the research cluster trans–form, Scientists for Future South Tyrol, Zukunftspakt–Patto Futuro, and lab:bz.


Design 3

96103A · ICAR/13 · Corso di laurea magistrale in Design eco-sociale · EN

Project 2 in Eco-Social Design

96101 · ICAR/13 · Corso di laurea magistrale in Design eco-sociale · EN

Leggi di più su Kris Krois

Cambiamento climatico Sostenibilità Eventi

Visualizzare il cambiamento climatico. La mostra nel campus di Bolzano

Un’esposizione dedicata al tema del cambiamento climatico e alla comunicazione visiva delle conoscen…

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Eventi Cultura

Architettura e Urbanistica al centro delle nuove lezioni dello Studium Generale

Il primo appuntamento, giovedì 10 ottobre, alle ore 17, sarà “Edifici parlanti” con l’architetto Mat…

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To the magazine

Macroaree di ricerca

Eco-Social Design, Social-Ecological Transformation, User Interface Systems for Content Discovery, Visual Journalism

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