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Libera Università di Bolzano

Courses Offered - Master in Food Sciences for Innovation and Authenticity

Su questa pagina vengono mostrati gli insegnamenti attualmente offerti nei due semestri (didattica erogata). Non si tratta di una rappresentazione della struttura del corso di studio.

Target: Interessati alla frequenza di corsi singoli, studenti incoming.

Anno accademico


Semestre 1

Human Nutrition

6 CFU · 44714 · BIO/09

Semestre 1

Management systems of food safety and quality

6 CFU · 44748 · AGR/15

Semestre 1

Mobility activity 5

5 CFU · 44746 · CHIM/10

Semestre 1

Food processing equipment

6 CFU · 44708 · AGR/09 · EN

Alessio Tugnolo

Semestre 1

Mobility activity 1

5 CFU · 44742 · AGR/15

Semestre 1

Mobility activity 3

5 CFU · 44744 · AGR/16

Semestre 1

Applied human nutrition

6 CFU · 44727 · MED/49

Semestre 1

Food structure and physical properties

6 CFU · 44749 · AGR/15

Semestre 1

Innovation and authenticity in food processing

12 CFU · 44750

Semestre 1

Innovative Food Processing Technologies

6 CFU · 44752 · AGR/15

Semestre 1

Sensors and biosensors for agri-food applications

6 CFU · 44753 · ING-INF/01

Semestre 1

Industrial microbiology for food quality improvement

6 CFU · 44716 · AGR/16

Semestre 1

Advanced sample preparation techniques and analysis of food contaminants

6 CFU · 44747 · CHIM/10

Semestre 2

Environmental chemistry towards food processing

8 CFU · 44702 · AGR/13 · EN

Youry Pii

Semestre 2

Starter and functional microbes for innovation, authenticity and healthy status

12 CFU · 44706

Insegnamenti opzionali

Semestre 1

Quality of horticultural products

3 CFU · 44723 · AGR/03 · EN

Dolores Asensio

Semestre 1

Bioinorganic chemistry

2 CFU · 44730 · CHIM/03

Semestre 1

Cocoa and coffee fermentations

3 CFU · 44726 · AGR/16 · EN

Ali Zein Alabiden Tlais

Semestre 1

Consumer Behaviour

4 CFU · 44736 · AGR/01

Semestre 1

Food toxicology

6 CFU · 44757 · BIO/14

Semestre 1

Valorisation of local Agri-Food Products

5 CFU · 44758 · AGR/01

Semestre 1

Research and development for food production

4 CFU · 44729 · AGR/15

Semestre 1

Physiology of olfactory perceptions

4 CFU · 44731 · VET/02

Semestre 1

Novel and Functional Foods

2 CFU · 44738 · MED/49

Semestre 1

Exposure assessment and risk/benefit evaluation

6 CFU · 44756 · BIO/09

Semestre 1

Nutritional Innovation in Bakery and Confetionary Products

2 CFU · 44759 · AGR/15

Semestre 2

Advanced spectroscopic techniques

4 CFU · 44754 · CHIM/02