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Libera Università di Bolzano

Insegnamenti offerti - iscritti dal 2021

Su questa pagina vengono mostrati gli insegnamenti attualmente offerti nei due semestri (didattica erogata). Non si tratta di una rappresentazione della struttura del corso di studio.

Target: Interessati alla frequenza di corsi singoli, studenti incoming.


Semestre 1

Natural risks in mountain areas: processes and mitigation strategies

3 CFU · 47052 · AGR/08 · EN

Michele Larcher

Semestre 1

Management of forests and agriculture resources in mountain areas

9 CFU · 47051

Semestre 1

Landscape Ecology and ecosystem restoration\

6 CFU · 47050

Semestre 1

Applied statistics and computer programming for environmental modelling

6 CFU · 47053

Applied Statistics

3 CFU · 47053A · SECS-S/02 · EN

Andrea Menapace

Computer programming

3 CFU · 47053B · INF/01 · EN

Andrea Menapace

Semestre 1

Geomatics and landscape planning

6 CFU · 47001


3 CFU · 47001A · GEO/04 · EN

Lukas Egarter Vigl

Landscape planning

3 CFU · 47001B · ICAR/20

Semestre 2

Advanced geomatics and environmental impact assessment

6 CFU · 47032

Advanced geomatics

3 CFU · 47032A · AGR/10 · EN

Enrico Tomelleri

Environmental impact assessment

3 CFU · 47032B · ICAR/20

Semestre 2

Forest planning and protection forestry

9 CFU · 47031

Protection forestry

3 CFU · 47031A · AGR/05 · EN

Roberto Tognetti

Forest inventories

3 CFU · 47031B · AGR/05 · EN

Enrico Tomelleri

Forest harvesting and logistics

3 CFU · 47031C · AGR/09 · EN

Giovanni Carabin

Semestre 2

Sustainable development of mountain areas

9 CFU · 47057

Project development and management

3 CFU · 47057B · AGR/01

Semestre 2

Nature conservation and management

9 CFU · 47033

Applied botany

3 CFU · 47033A · BIO/03 · EN

Camilla Wellstein

Nature conservation and protected areas

3 CFU · 47033B · BIO/03

Wildlife management

3 CFU · 47033C · AGR/19

Semestre 2

Management of mountain rivers

6 CFU · 47056

Flood risk mitigation in mountain rivers

3 CFU · 47056B · AGR/08 · EN

Maurizio Righetti

Semestre 2

Restoration ecology and economic appraisal of mountain areas

6 CFU · 47054

Rural appraisal

3 CFU · 47054B · AGR/01

Semestre 2

Mountain agriculture

9 CFU · 47055

Grassland management and feed production

3 CFU · 47055A · AGR/02

Livestock management

6 CFU · 47055B · AGR/19 · EN

Matthias Gauly

Semestre 1-2

Selected topics in environmental management

7 CFU · 47058

Insegnamenti opzionali

Semestre 1

Soil Ecology

5 CFU · 47060 · AGR/13 · EN

Luigimaria Borruso