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Libera Università di Bolzano

Localitàonline-event link:

Dipartimenti Press and Events

Contatto Sabine Zanin

23 apr 2020 12:30-13:30

“Does blockchain still represent a disruptive technology for financial industry?”

Dmitri Boreiko, unibz

Localitàonline-event link:

Dipartimenti Press and Events

Contatto Sabine Zanin


Recently, the financial industry was promised to be disrupted by blockchain technology and its applications with hundreds of projects working on various FinTech ideas. The cryptowinter of 2018 put this promise under question and the coronavirus crisis further tested the viability of many if not all projects. In this presentation we look at the major blockchain deployments in financial industry and their current status with a focus on blockchain crowdfunding (ICOs and IEOs).

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