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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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BIA (Bozen-Bolzano Institutional Archive)

BIA (Bozen-Bolzano Institutional Archive)

The Bozen-Bolzano Institutional Archive (BIA) is the platform for the dissemination of the research outcomes of the community of researchers of unibz, EURAC Research and Laimburg Research Centre.
No additional data entry is required from researchers to have their records indexed, since all content in BIA is ingested from BoRIS (Bozen-Bolzano Research Information System), Converis used at EURAC Research and LaRis after having passed a formal validation process carried out by the Library staff.

Objectives and functionalities

  • Create a centralized access point for all research outcomes, reducing fragmentation but preserving reuse;
  • increase visibility and impact in both academic aggregators and general search engines;
  • allow easier evaluation of the research activity;
  • enable search in the full text and not only in the bibliographic description (provided that the full text of the outcome has been delivered);
  • improve persistence of digital materials and citability over time (using Handle persistent identifiers that are much more stable than normal URLs).

BIA is a project of the Library of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.

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