With Turnitin® The Library offers a useful tool for checking the originality of one’s own texts by comparing them to a variety of online sources.
This occurs when writers have little knowledge about dealing with sources and bibliographic data or when they are unable to detect the source’s origin, especially when using Internet sources.
This is defined theft of someone else’s intellectual property, also called intellectual theft. There are various types of intentional plagiarism. These are two of the most common types: a text is created by mixing (copy/paste) passages from two or more sources, thus making it impossible to identify their origin or the writer does not clearly indicate where a direct quotation starts or ends.
A complete list, organized according to precise rules, of all the sources quoted and used for the writing of the text.
A restatement of the work of another person using one’s own words. Paraphrasing correctly means that it is not sufficient to change just a few words of the original work. It is important to change the words and the sentence structure without modifying the content and the meaning of the original text. Furthermore, remember that paraphrased text passages must be referenced as the concept originally comes from another source, even if we use our own words. By paraphrasing correctly and by using one’s own writing style the original passage fits better into one’s own work.