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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Night Shift - The night of the never-written thesis (April 2012)

Night Shift - The night of the never-written thesis (April 2012)

12.04.2012 Bozen-Bolzano

In collaboration with sh.asus, the Student Representatives of the Free University of Bolzano and the Schreibzentrum-Centro di scrittura e di Comunicazione verbale.

Workshops and presentations
18:00 Fonti generali per la ricerca (Elena Grigolato)

A 3.18 - Suggerimenti nella ricerca bibliografica: come effettuare una ricerca al meglio, dove e con quali strumenti cercare, come arrivare al fulltext di un articolo.
19:00 Rechercheberatung (David Gebhardi)

A 2.17 Tipps und Tricks rund um die Literaturrecherche: Alles was du schon lange zu Suchtechniken und Suchstrategien wissen wolltest. Du lernst, wie man eine Recherche optimal vorbereitet und durchführt und wie du an die gesuchten Informationen kommst.
19:00 General Research training (Sabine Schmidt)

A 2.18 Suggestions for literature research: How to search effectively, what tools to use and where to find them, how to access the full text of an article.
19:30 Zitieren - Plagiat (Gerda Winkler)

A 3.18 - Das Impulsreferat greift das Phänomen Plagiarismus auf und sensibilisiert für einen korrekten Umgang mit geistigem Eigentum. Es zeigt konkrete Beispiele auf und gibt eine Einführung in die Grundlagen des Zitierens, wobei auch der Aspekt des Zitierens von Internetquellen in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten berücksichtigt wird.
19:30 Plagio e citazioni bibliografiche (Ilaria Miceli)

A 3.16 - Definizione del fenomeno del plagio. Esempi pratici, strumenti per la prevenzione e introduzione all’uso delle citazioni bibliografiche.
20:30 Impulsreferat Rechtsfragen (RA Dr. Anton von Walther)

A 2.16 - Urheberrecht im Bereich wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und rechtliche Konsequenzen bei Missbrauch fremder Texte (Plagiat).
21:00 Money, money, money … (Florian Huber, sh.asus)

A 3.15 – Preise, Förderungen und weitere Möglichkeiten, Geld für die Abschlussarbeit zu erhalten.
21:30 Academic Style Masterclass (Jemma Prior)

A 2.15 - A 45-minute workshop to assist students from all subject disciplines with writing in an appropriate academic style in English. The workshop will investigate ways to maintain an acceptable degree of formality and objectivity in writing and will provide input and practice in using cautious language when reporting research and making claims. There will also be an analysis of vocabulary that is appropriate for particular academic contexts.
21:30 Introduction in use of RefWorks (Jürgen Kirchler)

A 2.18 - RefWorks is a tool, that helps you to build up and manage your own reference database and create automatically reference lists. During this workshop you will learn the basic functionalities of RefWorks.
22:30 General Research training (Sabine Schmidt)

A 2.18 - Suggestions for literature research: How to search effectively, what tools to use and where to find them, how to access the full text of an article.
24:00 And the winners are …!

Award ceremony for Library quiz

With best thanks to the sponsor of the main prizes: travel agency Gross.
6:45 Yoga @ library


Parallel Events
18:00 – 23:30 Individuelle Schreibberatung (Margit Oberhammer)

Das Schreibzentrum bietet Unterstützung bei akademischen Schreibprojekten auf unterschiedlichen Niveaus – von der Semesterarbeit bis zur Diplomarbeit.
Bibliothek – 1. Stock
18:00 – 23:30 Consulenza scrittura individuale (Marzia Bonfanti)

Il Centro di scrittura e di Comunicazione verbale fornisce consulenza per rendere più efficace la scrittura di elaborati richiesti da un normale curriculum di studi universitario, dalle tesine per esami sino alla tesi finale.
Biblioteca – 1° piano
20:45 – 21:30 / 22:30 – 23:30 Academic English Clinic (Jemma Prior)

Slots of 15 minutes, which can be booked at the information desk. An opportunity to receive one-to-one help and advice on any aspect of written academic English, including help with specific terminology, academic style, citations and references. Advice can also be provided for other aspects of academic English including help with note-taking, preparation for presentations, writing abstracts and so on.
Library – 1st floor
18.00 – 20:30 / 21:30 – 23.30 Word für Fast-Profis / Word per quasi-professionisti (Matthias Einbrodt / Luigi Siciliano)

Un laboratorio, um die Tücken von Word gemeinsam zu meistern … Inhaltsverzeichnisse, indici, Spalten, formattazioni, Bilder, tabelle
Library – A 3.17
18:00 – 23:30 Turnitin

Check your thesis for plagiarism - on previous request
18:00 – 23:30 Biblioquiz

By doing the Library Quiz, participants will be able to test their knowledge of the Library. Amongst the prizes on offer are tickets for day trips to Munich and Innsbruck.


Lost in thesis…?
There’s help available! Psychological counselling for students provides counselling for individuals, couples, families and groups both for study issues (e.g. blackout before exams) and for personal problems.
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