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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Night Shift - The night of the never-written thesis (November 2012)

Night Shift - The night of the never-written thesis (November 2012)

November 08, 2012 Bozen-Bolzano

In collaboration with sh.asus, the Student Representatives, Uni-Party and the Schreibzentrum-Centro di scrittura e di Comunicazione verbale of the Free University of Bolzano.

18:00 Fai la tua ricerca - Biblioteca accessibile (David Gebhardi)

A 215 - Un’introduzione a 360°, facile e comprensibile, per conoscere le tecniche e gli stili che ti aiuteranno in questa immensità di informazioni a trovare i dati di cui hai bisogno. Ma anche di più, un’introduzione durante la quale proponi una ricerca specifica e noi ti aiuteremo. 45 min
18:00 Bibliotheksbenutzung für Einsteiger (Sabine Schmidt)

A 315 - Tipps und Tricks rund um die Literaturrecherche: Alles was Du schon lange zu Suchtechniken und Suchstrategien wissen wolltest. Du lernst, wie man eine Recherche optimal vorbereitet und durchführt und wie Du an die gesuchten Informationen kommst. 45 min
18:00 Richtig Zitieren (Gerda Winkler)

A 316 - Die Grundlagen des Zitierens zu beherrschen und Zitierregelwerke (APA, Harvard, MLA …) korrekt anwenden zu können sind Voraussetzung dafür, um sich an das Verfassen eines wissenschaftlichen Textes heranzuwagen. An konkreten Beispielen wird ein Einblick über den formal richtigen Umgang mit Quellen gegeben. 45 min
19:00 Learn to use RefWorks (Sabine Schmidt)

A 218 - RefWorks is a tool that helps you to build up and manage your own reference database and create reference lists automatically. During this workshop you will learn the basic functionalities of RefWorks. 45 min
19:00 How to start my thesis (Jürgen Kirchler)

A 217 - We will have a look at aspects like time management, research strategies and useful thematic information retrieval. 45 min
19:00 La mia tesi. Da dove comincio? (Ilaria Miceli)

A 318 - Un’occasione per scoprire utili indicazioni per organizzare la struttura della tua tesi, per conoscere strumenti di ricerca tematica e per presentare al meglio il tuo lavoro! 45 min
19:00 A brief introduction to academic English for first years (Jemma Prior)

A 215 - Are you a first year student? Are you struggling with your writing in English? If so, come along to this seminar, which will introduce you to some of the main academic English text structures and the specialised language used. By attending this seminar, your English will improve noticeably and you will have fewer problems in the future! 45 min
19:30 Wie schreibe ich ein Konzept für eine Laureatsarbeit? (Margit Oberhammer)

A 315 - Ein Konzept oder Exposee ist eine wichtige Orientierungshilfe. Es erleichtert den Schreibbeginn, schafft Klarheit über Ziel, Fragestellung, Material, Methode und theoretischen Hintergrund einer geplanten wissenschaftlichen Arbeit. Beispiele und Übungen zeigen den Weg zu einem kurzen Konzept/Exposee. 45 min
20:00 Citavi (Sabine Schmidt)

A 316 - In dem Workshop lernst Du die grundlegenden Funktionen von Citavi kennen und bekommst die Gelegenheit, dich mit dem Programm vertraut zu machen. Empfehlung: Eigenen Laptop für Installation mitbringen. 45 min
20:00 Academic writing: how to avoid plagiarism when writing in English (Jemma Prior)

A 215 - This seminar will teach you what plagiarism actually looks like, but most importantly, will help you avoid the “copy and paste” pitfalls that inevitably come when writing in a language that isn’t your mother tongue. An opportunity to make a real difference to your academic English writing skills! 45 min
21:30 Linee guida per citare correttamente (Ilaria Miceli)

A 316 - Citare correttamente secondo APA, Harvard, MLA. 45 min
21:30 Money, money, money … (Florian Huber, sh.asus)

A 315 - Preise, Förderungen und weitere Möglichkeiten, die Abschlussarbeit zu verwerten. Wie lässt sich die Abschlussarbeit in Bargeld, Auszeichnungen oder in eine Visitenkarte für spätere Lebenswege umwandeln? Wir zeigen mögliche Perspektiven! 45 min
22:00 Research Tools and Databases for Economists (Jürgen Kirchler)

A 218 - During this training session you will get an in-depth introduction to the research tools and most important research databases for economists provided by the library and learn how to use them. 45 min
23:00 Turnitin-Class – Check your thesis (Jürgen Kirchler / Ilaria Miceli)

A 217 - Turnitin is a programme that allows you to see quickly and easily whether a piece of academic work has used the words or texts of others without the correct referencing. Only with previous registration at until 2 p.m. of 8.11.2012


Parallel & Special Events
18:00 - 23:30 La “costruzione” di un testo scritto (Marzia Bonfanti)

Biblioteca 1° piano - Il blocco dello scrittore, ovvero dello studente alle prese con abstract, tesine, tesi, curriculum vitae, testi scientifici in genere, può essere superato con l’aiuto degli esperti del Centro di Scrittura e di Comunicazione verbale e non verbale. Un'offerta per tutti gli studenti, al motto di: “il turno di notte … porta consiglio”!
18:00 - 19:00 / 21:00 - 22:00 Academic English Clinic (Jemma Prior)

Library 1st floor - Slots of 15 minutes, which can be booked at the information desk. An opportunity to receive one-to-one help and advice on any aspect of written academic English, including help with specific terminology, academic style, citations and references. Advice can also be provided for other aspects of academic English including help with note-taking, preparation for presentations, writing abstracts and so on.
19:00 - 21:00 Office für Fast-Profis / Office per quasi-professionisti (Matthias Einbrodt / Gerda Winkler)

A 317 - Un laboratorio, um die Tücken von Word gemeinsam zu meistern … Inhaltsverzeichnisse, indici, Spalten, formattazioni, Bilder, tabelle
18:00 - 24:00 Noch Fragen zur Uni? Studenti informano studenti

Library - Office hours with Student Representatives
20:00 until late TED-Talks non stop and other inspirations

A 216 - Let's procrastinate! That is: let's put off studying for a minute or two and let's watch some silly, but also inspiring online videos in our „Procrastination Lounge“. Relax and cool down.

Organized by the Student Representatives
21:00 - 24:00 Let’s have a break in the Library Foyer

Studentenfutter, Food for thought, cibo per la mente …
22:00 Yoga per la mente (Arianna Paccagnella)

Biblioteca 3° piano - Lo yoga ci accompagna a coltivare l'ascolto di noi stessi, a rompere gli schemi, a trovare la nostra strada: "... è la Volontà a proseguire che Crea il nostro Cammino..., un viaggio verso il Sogno". 60 min
22:00 Starting Oriental Nights …

@ König Bar - organized by Uni-Party


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