Written in the Landscape – Traces of the First World War in the Dolomites
Peer-reviewed collected volume published by bu,press
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An ever growing collection of teaching material for elementary, middle and high schools which you can borrow free of charge for your own classes.
We offer advice on all aspects of the fields of plagiarism prevention and how to quote correctly in your degree thesis or scientific papers.
In order to graduate from unibz you have to check the originality of your bachelor and master thesis via Turnitin®
We offer access to the following reference managers:
The library supports unibz researchers at all stages of scientific production: planning, processing, storage via metadata management and analyzing the impact of research products with the help of bibliometric analyses.
Open access to full-text or references to the publications of our professors and researchers.
The publishing house of the university, bu,press assists researchers with their publishing activities.
If you are a researcher or professor at unibz there are many ways to disseminate your research outputs with the support of your library.
Peer-reviewed collected volume published by bu,press
Dal 27 al 30 dicembre e dal 2 al 5 gennaio, la biblioteca della Libera Università di Bolzano (campus di Bolzano centro) rimarrà a disposizione di studenti e studentesse del territorio.