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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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And the Bayrische Staatspreis goes to… Nicole Magagnotti Panizza

Last week the Bayrische Staatspreis was assigned to a project by design student Nicole Magagnotti Panizza. She created Kokko, an inclusive wearable modular toy designed to address children’s sensory needs.

Created for educational and therapeutic purpose in collaboration with occupational therapists, pedagogists and parents of children with autism, Kokko promotes the child’s psychomotor development, learning and growth. “The majority of children diagnosed with SID suffer from hyper-sensitivity” explains Nicole Magagnotti Panizza. “This means that it entails an exaggerated perception of inputs. The stimulation of calibrated sensory experiences and the indirect connection with the vegetal world generates a calming and therapeutic effect.”

Kokko is an inclusive wearable modular toy designed to address children’s sensory needs, in particular of those affected by Sensory Integration Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder through biophilic design strategies which impact their mental and physical health.
It stimulates social integration and emotional affection through an open-ended activity, meant to incite imagination and creativity. “Kokko” is an innovative and extremely versatile tool; it adapts itself to whoever is using it and it can be placed within different contexts, establishing an “escape space”, essential for the child to soothe any type of sensory overload.

The final product is a series of five soft and interactive objects made out of entirely vegetal materials, whose wearability is promoted by biomorphic shapes, pockets and modular hooking system. They are produced with different textures, colors, patterns and weights. You want to know more: have a look at the Vimeo video which offers a perspective of how children affected by autism benefit from using, both at home and within therapy centers, the interactive wearable toy KOKKO.

The Bayrische Staatspreis went to the student at the Faculty of Design and Art in the categorie “Gestaltung”.


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