The steering body is the Centre's directing, programming and decision-making body. In addition, the members of the steering body participate actively in the Centre's research activities.
Loch, Ulrike/ Tiefenthaler, Sabine (2023): Processi di cooperazione. La prospettiva degli assistenti sociali e degli educatori. In: La Rivista di Servizio Sociale. 2023(1), 131-143.
Mauri, D. (2024). Constructing the ‘zero family’: Breaking the intergenerational transmission of maltreatment from the perspective of care-experienced parents. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Mauri, D., Sanfelici, M., & Belotti, V. (2024). Care Leavers' Perceived Well-Being: Findings From a Co-constructed Survey in Italy. Child & Family Social Work. Della
Rocca, M. (2023) Una casa per tutte le donne. Etnografia della relazione di accoglienza con donne migranti in situazione di violenza. Edizioni Junior-Bambini S.r.l.: Reggio Emilia. ISBN 978-88-8434-956-9.
The adhering members of the Centre are professors and researchers with an active role in the Centre's research activities, even if they are not hired by the Centre.
The Scientific Committee is the advisory and evaluation body of the Centre.