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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Team and Body

Steering Body

The steering body is the Centre's directing, programming and decision-making body. In addition, the members of the steering body participate actively in the Centre's research activities. 

Selected Publications

Selected Publications

  • Loch, Ulrike/ Tiefenthaler, Sabine (2023): Processi di cooperazione. La prospettiva degli assistenti sociali e degli educatori. In: La Rivista di Servizio Sociale. 2023(1), 131-143.

  • Loch, Ulrike/Imširović, Elvisa/Arztmann, Judith/Lippitz, Ingrid (2022): Im Namen von Wissenschaft und Kindeswohl. Gewalt an Kindern und Jugendlichen in heilpädadogischen Institutionen der Jugendwohlfahrt und des Gesundheitswesens in Kärnten zwischen 1950 und 2000. Sudienverlag, ISBN 978-3-7065-4605-8
  • Della Rocca, Marina/Zinn, Dorothy L. (2019): Othering honor-based violence: The perspective of antiviolence operators in Northern Italy. In: Human Organization, 78(4), S. 325–334.
  • Imširović, Elvisa/Lippitz, Ingrid/Loch, Ulrike (2019): Totale Institutionalisierung als Gewalt an Kindern und Jugendlichen. In: Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Soziale Arbeit, 1(1), S. 49–76
  • Loch, Ulrike (2019): La prospettiva multigenerazionale: una sfida complessa per gli operatori e le operatrici nella tutela dei minori. In: Lupoli, Nicola (in cura): Del reo e del reato. La ri-educazione dei minori devianti. Napoli: Guida: editore, S. 181-195 
  • Dorothy L. Zinn (2018) Migrants as Metaphor:  Institutions and Integration in South Tyrol’s Divided Society.  Rome:  CISU  ISBN 978887975658-7 (2018)


Selected Publications

Selected Publications

  • Mauri, D. (2024). Constructing the ‘zero family’: Breaking the intergenerational transmission of maltreatment from the perspective of care-experienced parents. Child Abuse & Neglect. 

  • Mauri, D., Sanfelici, M., & Belotti, V. (2024). Care Leavers' Perceived Well-Being: Findings From a Co-constructed Survey in Italy. Child & Family Social Work. Della

  • Rocca, M. (2023) Una casa per tutte le donne. Etnografia della relazione di accoglienza con donne migranti in situazione di violenza. Edizioni Junior-Bambini S.r.l.: Reggio Emilia. ISBN 978-88-8434-956-9.

  • Della Rocca, M. (2021). Feminist Ethnography in a Women’s Shelter: Self Reflexivity, Participation and Activism in Ethnographic Writing. In E. Tauber & D.L. Zinn (eds.), Gender and Genre in Ethnographic Writing (pp. 71-97).  Cham: Palgrave Macmilian. ISBN: 978-3-030-71725-4. 
  • Della Rocca, M. (2021). Ruolo materno, migrazione e vittimizzazione secondaria. La risposta istituzionale alle donne migranti in situazione di violenza. In S. Elsen, Nothdurfter U., Nagy A., Lintner C., Trott L. (eds.), Social Work in a Border Region. 20 Years of Social Work Education at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (pp. 259-269). BUPRESS.   ISBN: 978-88-6046-187-2. 
  • Sapelza, R. (2018). Menschenhandel – Frauen als Täterinnen. Eine qualitative Analyse von Strafverfahrensakten. Band 9 Polizieren. Polizei, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Frankfurt/Main: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaften. ISBN 978-3-86676-526-9
  • Sapelza, R. (2015). Frauenbonus? Frauenmalus? Der Gender-Gap und der Umgang strafrechtlicher Kontrollinstanzen mit abweichendem Verhalten von Mädchen und Frauen. In: Schmidt, B. & Feltes, T. (Hrsg.). Policing Diversity. Über den Umgang mit gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt innerhalb und außerhalb der Polizei. (Bd. 8). Frankfurt/Main: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft. S. 69-103. ISBN 978-3-86676-426-2
  • Sapelza, R. (2011). Zwischen Geschlechterstereotypen und Tabubruch. Sexueller Missbrauch von Mädchen und Jungen durch Frauen. Felix-Verlag. Online Publikation. ISBN 978-3-86293-039-5

Members Adhering to the Centre

The adhering members of the Centre are professors and researchers with an active role in the Centre's research activities, even if they are not hired by the Centre.

Members and staff

Claudia Lintner

Università degli Studi di Salerno


Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is the advisory and evaluation body of the Centre.

  • Prof. Dr. Maren Zeller – Department für Soziale Arbeit, Fachhochschule Ostschweiz St. Gallen, Switzerland (President)
  • Prof. Folco Cimagalli – Professore di Sociologia Generale, LUMSA, Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta, Roma,Italia
  • Prof. Dr. Koen Hermans – Centre for Sociological Research and Centre for Care Research and Consultancy, Università Leuven, Belgium 
  • Dr. Bruno Marcato – Hands Onlus Bolzano 
  • Dott.ssa Brigitte Mayr – Direzione Servizi Sociali, Comunità comprensoriale Wipptal
  • Dott.ssa Michela Morandini – Dipartimento Coesione sociale, Famiglia, Anziani, Cooperative e Volontariatio – Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
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