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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Kick-off Meeting, iNEST Consortium, 16 March 2023


Below you can watch the recordings of the first meeting of the iNest (Interconnetected Nord-East Innovation Ecosystem) consortium, in which the operational plan for the Northeast Innovation Ecosystem funded under the PNRR was discussed. unibz is one of the 9 universities involved.

Prof. Ulrike Tappeiner - President of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 
Prof. Paolo Lugli - Rector of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 
Prof. Franco Bonollo - President of the iNEST Consortium - Interconnected Northeast Innovation Ecosystem 
Presentation of the iNEST project, its articulation and objectives 
(video) - (slides)
Prof. Fabrizio Mazzetto - iNEST Coordinator - SPOKE1 - Mountain Innovation Ecosystem 
Presentation of the project on the Ecosystem of Innovation for the Mountains, its structure and the objectives it intends to pursue 
(video) - (slides)
Prof.ssa Anna Giorgi - UNIMONT Pole - University of Milan 
Current development models for mountain territories and research to make them competitive: programmes and strategies 
(video) – (the slides are not available at the moment)
Dr. Vincent Mauriot - NOI Techpark South Tyrol 
Presentation of the NOI Techpark 
(video) - (slides)

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