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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Decentralization of Mountain Structures and Infrastructures



  • Improving sustainable energy strategies in mountain areas, in terms of both energy supply and energy savings through modelling and optimisation techniques. 
  • Studying and developing appropriate strategies for low-emission mountain transport and logistics systems. 

Research Topics 

Energy strategies - Develop solutions for mountain energy supply/distribution networks through the application of energy system modelling approaches (use of renewable energy sources, design of sustainable hydropower plants, solar thermal and photovoltaic systems, from biomass to bioenergy biofuels and green hydrogen, cogeneration, district heating networks, integrated renewable energy systems for supplying small farms and villages), and for energy saving, through an approach to be extended to residential, commercial, production and public buildings in mountain regions. 

Logistics strategies - Development of solutions for the improvement of transport and logistics systems by means of energy system modelling techniques (sustainable mobility solutions in mountainous areas, ropeway systems, zero-emission last-mile logistics, alternative power supply units for automotive applications, e.g. electric/hydrogen vehicles, including public transport, logistics, and passenger cars), optimisation of route planning, design of storage facilities to reduce transport. 

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