Bürgergenossenschaften: Innovation, Entwicklung und Inklusion
Am 26. März 2025 organisiert das Kompetenzzentrum für das Management von Genossenschaften der unibz eine Tagung zum Thema „Bürgergenossenschaften: Innovation, Entwicklung und Inklusion“.
Cooperatives are agents of development and transformation. They address problems with social impact, beyond the logic of the market, in an interdisciplinary perspective.
Cooperatives have historically been a cornerstone of economic and social development in the Province of Bozen-Bolzano. This Competence Centre aims to promote research and innovation in the context of the cooperative system of this region, to address the transformations that new social, ecological and economic challenges pose.
The Competence Centre works in concert with South Tyrolean institutions that work for the development of the cooperative system, such as the South Tyrolean cooperative associations Coopbund, Raiffeisenverband, Cooperdolomiti and the Associazione Generale delle Cooperative Italiane (AGCI), as well as with national and international research institutes, with a multidisciplinary perspective on the phenomena under study.
Am 26. März 2025 organisiert das Kompetenzzentrum für das Management von Genossenschaften der unibz eine Tagung zum Thema „Bürgergenossenschaften: Innovation, Entwicklung und Inklusion“.
A Success for the First Event of 2025 by the Competence Center for the Management of Cooperatives.
Am 24.10, zeigen Fachleute aus den DACH-Ländern und Italien auf, welches Potenzial genossenschaftliche Modelle für die Bereitstellung von leistbarem und nachhaltigem Wohnraum haben.
26 Mar 2025 13:30-17:30
The Competence Centre is financed by the Office for Cooperative Development of the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano