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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Facts and Figures 2023



1997 Year of foundation

4 Teaching languages (English, German, Italian and Ladin)

5 Faculties 

8 Competence centres 


27.2% Tenured professors and researchers of international origin 

14.6% of students of international origin (national average 4.7%)

92,958,927 budget 2023, of which

  • 76,987,953 from the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano (82.8%)
  • 12,194,231 externally funded and other sources (13.1%)
  • 3,776,743 tuition fees (4.1%)

480 recognition procedures for foreign qualifications in 2023
832 local grants awarded to students in 2023
2005 year of the ISO27001 certification
2005 year of the ISO9001 certification (for ICT) 
8 design workshops 
76 laboratories
1 BITZ unibz fablab
5 student associations  

University Ranking

International and National Rankings
In national rankings, our university reaches top positions every year. We rank high in international rankings too, especially under the categories "internationalisation", "student satisfaction" and "citations".

In 2024, for the eighth year in a row, we ranked first among the small non-state universities (less than 5,000 students) in the ranking of the socio-economic research institute Censis, also achieving the highest average score.

THE World University Rankings
In the 2024 Times Higher Education World University Rankings unibz ranked in the band of 351— 400 out of almost 2,800 institutions worldwide. Our strongest pillars are "Research quality" (with a score of 85.5 among the top 300) and "International outlook" (with a score of 78.6 among the top 300). In Italy we are on the 12th position out of 56 universities ranked and on the first position for "International outlook". In the Small University Rankings 2024 we are on position 14.

QS World University Rankings
In 2024 unibz has entered for the fourth time the QS World University Rankings at rank position 661-670 among 5,000 universities surveyed. It ranks among the top 250 in the metrics for “International Faculty ratio”.

Faculty Rankings

Faculty of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences

Times Higher Education Subject Ranking 2024: among the top 500 worldwide (subject: life sciences)

Faculty of Design and Art

CENSIS 2024: 1st place for the bachelor programme and for the master programme among Italian non-state funded universities.

Faculty of Economics and Management

Times Higher Education Subject Ranking 2024: 176-200 worldwide (subject: Business & Economics).
CENSIS 2024: Economics and management subject area: 2nd place for teaching (Bachelor programmes) among Italian non-state funded universities.
Research Quality Evaluation 2015-2019 by the National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR): 2nd place (out of 72) for Management and 6th place (out of 71) for Economics at national level.

Faculty of Education

CENSIS 2024: 2nd place for the Master in Primary Education.
Times Higher Education Subject Ranking 2024: among the top 500 worldwide (subject: education).

Faculty of Engineering

Times Higher Education Subject Ranking 2024: among the top 300 worldwide (subject: computer science) and the top 400 (subject: engineering).
CENSIS 2024: 2nd place for the master programmes among Italian non-state funded universities.



4,216 students of whom

  • 33 are from Studium Generale
  • 376 are from the Faculty of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences
  • 342 are from the Faculty of Design and Art
  • 1,060 are from the Faculty of Economics and Management
  • 1,575 are from the Faculty of Education
  • 863 are from the Faculty of Engineering

173 tenured professors and researchers of whom

  • 32.4% are female

52 years in the average age of tenured academic staff

679 teaching staff

316 administration and technical staff of whom

  • 37.97% are male and
  • 30.38% are part-time

27.2% tenured professors and researchers are from abroad

298 Researchers with a fixed-term contract, of whom

  • 175 are Research assistants (AR)
  • 103 come from abroad



14 Bachelor programmes of which

15 Master programmes of which

1 One-tier Master (5 years) (Faculty of Education)

9 PhD programmes

20 Studium Generale

12 Educational conventions and contracts

13 Lifelong Learning and ESF-FSE courses of which

  • 1 Faculty of Design and Art
  • 8 Faculty of Education
  • 4 Faculty of Engineering

1,179 Internship agreements with companies and institutions



75.4% of students graduate on time (national average 61.5%
3.5  years is the average time needed to graduate (national average  3.9
69.1% of studentes undertake an internship (national average 60.7%
23.9% of graduates have completed a semester abroad (national average 9.8%
2.9 is the average number of months between graduation and first job (national average 3.1
8.1 is the average on a scale of 1–10 for satisfaction with chosen job (national average 7.8



511 current research projects, out of those

  • 55 European
  • 37 international
  • 97 national
  • 29 regional
  • 129 research contracts
  • 164 internal

2,193 research projects completed, out of those

  • 148 European
  • 73 international
  • 159 national
  • 115 regional
  • 573 research contracts
  • 1,125 internal

15.27 million € external funding in 2023 of which

  • 1.86 million € total internal budget research projects in 2023
  • 34.21% of contracts with third parties are with local companies/organizations

298 contract researchers, of whom

  • 175 research assistants
  • 103 from abroad

Research areas

3 research areas of the Faculty of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences

  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Food Sciences
  • Analysis and Management of Mountain Ecosystems 

3 research areas of the Faculty of Design and Art

  • MAKE: Exploring Innovative Approaches to the Ideation of Artefacts and Spaces
  • TRANS-FORM: Exploring Design, Art and Social Practices for political and eco-social Transitions
  • ENABLE: Design & Art Competences, Material Culture and Human Development

5 research areas of the Faculty of Economics and Management

  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management
  • Tourism, Marketing and Regional Development
  • Financial Markets and Regulation
  • Law, Economics and Institutions
  • Quantitative Methods and Economic Modeling

7 research areas of the Faculty of Education

  • Permanent Education – Processes and Projects of Education and Development with a Focus on South Tyrol
  • IN-IN Education: INnovative and INclusive Education
  • Psychology and wellbeing promotion in educational contexts
  • Languages and multilingualism in South Tyrol
  • Aesthetic experiences and communication
  • Educational Contexts, Disciplines and their Teaching in the Nursery and Primary School
  • Socio cultural worlds: institutions, welfare, social professions, environment and population 

9 research areas of the Faculty of Engineering

  • Data-driven Artificial Intelligence (D2AI)
  • Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency (ERE2)
  • Human-centered Intelligent Systems (HCIS)
  • Industrial Engineering and Automation (IEA)
  • Knowledge and Data (KRDB)
  • Materials and Devices for Smart Systems (MDSS)
  • Mathematical Foundations (MATH)
  • Sustainability and Safety for the Natural and built Environment (S2NBE)
  • Software Engineering and Autonomous Systems (SEAS)

Research Projects

Faculty of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences

The Faculty is currently working on 126 research projects. The total value of the projects amounts to 21.8 million Euro (of which 83 % is externally financed).

Faculty of Design and Art

The Faculty is currently working on 30 research projects with a total value of 2 million Euro (of which 50 % is externally financed).

Faculty of Economics and Management

The Faculty is currently working on 73 research projects with a total value of 11 million Euro (of which 82 % is externally financed).

Faculty of Education

The Faculty is currently working on 117 research projects with a total value of 7.3 million Euro (of which 57 % is externally financed).

Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty is currently working on 165 research projects. The total value of the projects amounts to 16.7 million Euro (of which 81 % is externally financed).

International Relations

International Relations

179 Erasmus+ agreements
35 bilateral agreements with non-European and Italian universities
5 Swiss European Mobility Programme agreements
632 exchange spots for outgoing & incoming students
1 Erasmus Mundus partnership
7 international study programmes with a double or joint degree
84 nationalities of students
1 Euregio agreement between the universities of Bozen-Bolzano, Innsbruck and Trento

Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer

3  active spin-offs at NOI Techpark
5 unibz trademarks, of which 3 european and 5 international
29 patents: 28 granted and 1 filed by unibz and its researchers

13 laboratories in 6 research areas at the NOI Techpark

  • 3 Green Labs
  • 3 Food Labs
  • 2 Digital Labs
  • 4 Automotive/Automation Labs
  • 1 Centre for Family Business Management

144 active research projects

  • 7.1 million € total budget for active research projects
  •  91.5% third-party financing

240 cooperation partners, of which

  • 87 are companies

Language Centre

Language Centre

3,578 course participants
232 language course offered
10,986 hours of teaching
3 international certificates
4,428 language exams administered

Courses in 8 languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic).

International Language Certificate preparation courses; One-to-one language advising; Courses for admin and academic staff; Courses for beginners up to the C1 level.



321,380 books and audiovisual media
664,600 e-books
159,691 e-journals & other e-resources
391 e-collections
32,443 records in BIA Bozen-Bolzano Institutional Archive
337,703 library visits
1,720 participants in training courses and seminars
335 hours of teaching courses and consulting
28 handling of publication contracts with external publishers
75 contract management for unibz publications in Open Access
131 unibz Open Access articles funded through transformative contracts
151 titles in the bu,press catalogue
10,665 downloads of bu,press publications
3 campus libraries
939 seats

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