Rector's Decree n. 1035/2024 of 21.06.2024
PLASELY - Playing seriously: Improving children' development and learning outcomes (Funded by European Social Fund Plus – project code ESF2_f3_0005 – CUP B56F24000100001)
Deadline for sending applications and publications
09.07.2024 at 12:00 PM (noon)
Selection Board: decree of appointment
Rector's Decree n. 1177/2024 of 15.07.2024
Approval of documents
Rector's Decree n. 2017/2024 of 18.11.2024
The first of the ranking list
Giulia Prestera
Selection procedure for 1 fixed-time research assistant contract/s for collaboration at research activity in the acad. discipline PSIC-02/A (Developmental and educational psychology).
Number applications
The oral examination will take place on 14 November 2024 from 14:00 to 15:00 CET (Rome time).