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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie informatiche

Informatics (Prof. Calvanese) (INF/01 (Prof. Calvanese))


Rector's Decree n. 815/2021 of 04.06.2021


All activities in the context of Smart Data Factory

Deadline for sending applications and publications

02.08.2021 at 12:00 PM (noon)

Selection Board: decree of appointment

Rector's Decree n. 1134/2021 of 03.08.2021

Selection criteria

Approval of documents

Rector's Decree n. 46/2022 of 20.01.2022

The first of the ranking list

Alessandro Mosca

Number applications



the oral examination will take place on January 10th , 2022 from 15.30-17.30