Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie
Rector's Decree n. 209/2020 of 23.03.2020
Spatial and temporal nutrient dynamics in the rhizosphere to unravel nutrient mobilization and uptake processes in cultivated plants- NUMICS
Deadline for sending applications and publications
15.04.2020 at 12:00 PM (noon)
Selection Board: decree of appointment
Rector's Decree n. 328/2020 of 27.04.2020
Approval of documents
Rector's Decree n. 553/2020 of 24.06.2020 (cf. rectification)
The first of the ranking list
Raphael Tiziani
Selection procedure for the awarding of one fixed-time research assistant contract for collaboration at research activity in the academic discipline AGR/13 (Agricultural chemistry) and in the academic recruitment field 07/E1 (Agricultural chemistry, agricultural genetics and pedology)
Number applications
the oral examination will take place on June 12, 2020 from 09.10-10.30