Faculty of Science and Technology
Rector's decree of 07.02.19, no. 93/2019
Electronics on flexible Substrates with a focus on the development of sensors, devices, and circuits as well as their integration into wearable objects such as smart textiles for applications in the healthcare, agricultural- and environmental sector.
Send applications and publications to
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Personnel Office Academic Staff
Tel.: +39 0471 011322-011310
Piazza Università, 1 - C. P. 276,
39100 Bozen-Bolzano
Deadline for sending applications and publications
Selection Board: decree of appointment
Vice Rector's decree of 08.04.19, no. 22/2019
Approval of documents
Vice Rector's decree of 13.09.2019, no. 60/2019
The first of the ranking list
Giuseppe Cantarella
Selection procedure for one post of Junior University Researcher in the disciplinary-scientific sector FIS/03 (Physics of matter) and in the competition sector 02/B1 (Experimental Physics of matter)
Number applications