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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano


Rector's decree of 02.08.18, no. 412/2018


TURB-HYDRO: Hydro Turbines optimization for a sustainable production

Send applications and publications to

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Personnel Office Academic Staff
Tel.: +39 0471 011322-011310
Piazza Università, 1 - C. P. 276,
39100 Bozen-Bolzano

Deadline for sending applications and publications

September 7, 2018


Applications can’t be consigned personally from August 13th to 17th, 2018, since the University is closed.

Selection Board: decree of appointment

Rector's decree of 17.09.18, no. 489/2018

Approval of documents

Rector's decree of 26.09.18, no. 516/2018

The first of the ranking list

Rossi Mosè


Selection procedure for the awarding of one fixed-time research assistant contract for collaboration at research activity in the disciplinary-scientific sector ING-IND/08 (Fluid machinery) and in the competition sector 09/C1 (Fluid machinery, energy systems and power generation)

Number applications

Request info