Economics and Management
Rector's decree of 24.10.2017, no. 569/2017
Information acquisition and decision makers' search behavior This research project concentrates on analyzing formally the acquisition and assimilation of information by consumers/decision makers and its effects on economic systems. The project aims at bridging the gap between the economic approach to information acquisition and search behavior of consumers/decision makers and those provided by the operational research, management and expert systems literatures.
Send applications and publications to
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Personnel Office Academic Staff
Tel.: +39 0471 011310-011320
Piazza Università, 1 - C. P. 276
39100 Bozen-Bolzano
Deadline for sending applications and publications
Selection Board: decree of appointment
Rector's decree of 12.01.2018, no. 17/2018
Approval of documents
Rector's decree of 28.03.2018, no. 171/2018
The first of the ranking list
Santos Arteaga Francisco Javier
Selection procedure for one post of junior university researcher in the competition sector 13/A1 (Economics) and the disciplinary-scientific sector SECS-P/01 (Economics)
Number applications