Economics and Management
Vicerector's decree of 22.11.2016, no. 91/2016
Innovation and social capital in family firms
Send applications and publications to
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Personnel Office Academic Staff
Piazza Università, 1 - C. P. 276
39100 Bozen-Bolzano
Deadline for sending applications and publications
The application for participation in the selection procedure cannot be handed in during the period from 24th December 2016 to the 8th January 2017 because the University will be closed.
Selection Board: decree of appointment
Rector's decree of 16.01.2017, no. 07/2016
The first of the ranking list
Emanuela Rondi
Selection procedures for the awarding of one fixed-time research assistant contract for collaboration at research activity in the disciplinary-scientific sector SECS-P/08 (Economics and Business Management) and in the competition sector 13/B2 (Management)
Number applications