Economics and Management
Vice Rector's decree of 07.07.2016, no. 05
The Selection of Politicians
Send applications and publications to
Free University of Bozen – Bolzano Personnel Office Academic Staff dott. Paola Paolini, Piazzetta Franz Innerhofer,8 - C. P. 276 39100 Bolzano
Deadline for sending applications and publications
The application for participation in the selection procedure cannot be handed in during the period from 08th August to the 12th August 2016 because the University will be closed.
Selection Board: decree of appointment
Vice Rector's decree of 25.08.2016, no. 50
Approval of documents
Rector's decree of 04.10.2016, no. 200
Selection procedure for one post of University researcher with SENIOR-CONTRACT in the competitive sector 13/A2 (Economic Policy), SECS-P/02 (Economic Policy). Supervisor: Prof. Mirco Tonin
Number applications