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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Research Ethics Committee


The Research Ethics Committee has the task, while respecting the freedom of scientific research, of providing the ethical evaluation of research proposals and experimental protocols submitted for its consideration.

The purpose of the ethical evaluation is to safeguard the rights, dignity, integrity, and well-being of the people involved in the research.

In particular, the Research Ethics Committee

  • examines requests relating to research protocols involving people considering the psycho-physical well-being of those taking part in the research, with particular attention to the well-being of vulnerable groups (minors, people unable to give consent, etc.)
  • provides opinions on research topics involving relevant aspects under the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), such as testing and validation of new measurement and/or intervention devices, collection of biological samples, measurement of physiological parameters, etc.
  • evaluates research protocols that involve the use of stimuli that may engage the personal and cultural sensitivity of participants.

The decision whether to require ethical evaluation of research projects is left to the researchers in accordance with the requirements for the various research fields. The Committee does not review completed projects to satisfy publication requests due to editorial requirements.

Those involved in the development of a research project must observe the requirements of the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679).

More information can be found in the University Handbook (intranet: login required).




Antonella De Angeli

President, Faculty of Engineering

Demis Basso

Faculty of Education

Letizia Bollini

Faculty of Design and Art

Florian Kiesel

Faculty of Economics and Management

Youry Pii

Faculty of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences

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