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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Confidential Counsellor

Equal Opportunities Committee

The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is committed to combating all forms of harassment and discrimination in the workplace and at the university. In this context, it has adopted "Regulations for the protection of the dignity of workers and students at unibz".  The Regulations apply to all those who, for whatever reason, study and work at unibz.

Article 4 of the Regulation provides for the appointment for a three-year term of a confidential counsellor to provide advice and assistance to those who are the object of harassment/discrimination. The counsellor is a person from outside the University with documented preparation and human and professional experience, remains in office for three years and maintains relations with the Equal Opportunities Committee in a proactive way.

Avv. Alexander Stricker has been appointed as a confidential counsellor to unibz until 17 March 2027 and can be contacted by sending an email to Depending on the need, consultations may take place by telephone or in person at the campuses in Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen-Bressanone or Bruneck-Brunico.

Regulation (IT/DE)


Alexander Stricker

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