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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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Industrial Engineering and Automation (IEA)



Dominik Matt 

Members: Erwin Rauch, Renato Vidoni, Yuri Borgianni, Franco Concli, Patrick Dallasega, Walburga Kerschbaumer, Guido Orzes, Luca Gualtieri, Lorenzo Maccioni, Margherita Molinaro, Gabriele Pasetti-Monizza

Moreover, about 25 Research Fellows and PhD-students are working in the macro-area Industrial Engineering and Automation (IEA). 

Covered topics

  • Product Development,  
  • Mechanical and Mechatronic Design  
  • Robotics, Automation and Digitisation Techniques  
  • Manufacturing and Assembly Processes,  
  • Design of Production and Logistics Systems,  
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management 

In the context of Industry 4.0 and 5.0, with a focus on the specific requirements of small and medium manufacturing, construction, and agricultural businesses.


The IEA team consists of more than 30 people made up of professors, researchers, research fellows and PhD students that moreover can conduct their research in 5 research laboratories.

Associated laboratories

  • The Smart Mini Factory is a learning factory laboratory used for applied research and for teaching. It aims to study and simulate modern and advanced concepts of production technologies and methods in the context of Industry 4.0/5.0.
  • The Sustainable Manufacturing Lab is a research and training laboratory dedicated to study circular economy in manufacturing, resource efficiency and zero-waste management, decarbonisation, life cycle engineering and eco-intelligent factories as well as ethical and socially sustainable production. 
  • The Field Robotics Lab is a research laboratory for robotics and mechatronics applications for outdoor activities.
  • The Mechanical Lab is a research and teaching laboratory for the design, analysis, prototyping and testing of mechanisms and structures, incl. vibration tests, additive manufacturing, lightweight engineering, and user experience. 
  • The Materials Characterisation Lab is dedicated to research activities related to the mechanical characterisation of materials. The focus is on metals, polymers, and fiber-reinforced composites (FRC), incl. materials for additive manufacturing (AM). 


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