Members: Giuseppe Di Fatta, Johann Gamper, Oswald Lanz, Antonio Liotta, Bruno Carpentieri, Anton Dignös, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Ozan Kahramanogullari, Paola Lecca, Maurizio Travelli, Floriano Zini
Altogether, about 40 researchers and PhD students are working in the macro-area Data-driven Artificial Intelligence (D2AI).
The Data-Driven Artificial Intelligence group is devoted to handling Big Data, using advanced data science, machine learning and database technologies, to tackle a variety of grand challenges in AI and its use in mission-critical domains such as medicine, biology, climate, energy, finance, industry, and smart living.
Specific research strands include:
Vision Computing and Learning
The group conducts research in the field of computer vision and machine learning. We build on advances in modern machine learning to develop novel methods for image and video understanding with real use cases in mind.
Database systems
The Database Systems Group aims at enhancing current DB technologies to support complex query processing and data analysis, in particular for temporal and spatial data. The research is driven by real-world applications in different areas.
Machine Learning and Data Science
This research group is dedicated to developing and advancing data-driven algorithms and applications. Through a combination of theoretical research and practical implementations, the group strive to push the boundaries of machine learning to discover novel solutions and drive meaningful impact.
Intelligent Networks and Systems
This research group is dedicated to developing and advancing intelligent, networked systems. We are at the forefront of influential research in embedded & cooperative machine learning, IoT data analytics, smart sensing, and intelligent networks. We have a track record of projects in which AI is used to address grand challenges in climate, energy, medicine, and complex smart systems.
Covision Lab
This lab is a solution provider in computer vision and machine learning, through state-of-the-art research, industry applications, and spin-off start-ups.