PhD in
The main goal of this programme is to train future scientists with a strong professional background who are capable of working in an international and highly competitive environment, such as the Information Technology (IT) sector.
What makes our PhD graduates ideal candidates to work as researchers both in academia and in the IT sector is their ability to research and understand theoretical and applied research topics, the collaborative approach to work, and their dissemination and writing skills. Moreover, problem solving skills and the ability to work autonomously enable them to become key players in every field of IT, as independent consultants or in management roles.
At the end of our programme, graduates are equipped with a vast knowledge of IT, from the formal and theoretical aspects to the latest developments in methodology and technology.
PhD students can choose any of the three research themes offered by the faculty. They are different not only in the main topics explored, but also in the research methodology applied. In the Knowledge and Data area, students investigate the topics of Intelligent Integration and Access to Data, Conceptual and Cognitive Modelling, and Process-aware Information Systems Management. In the Software and Systems Engineering area, work follows an empirical approach based on the implementation of prototypes and techniques and the carrying out and analysis of experiments. Finally, the Information and Database Systems Engineering area adopts a hybrid approach, with a focus on efficient implementation and user interaction. This large spectrum of topics offers PhD candidates a wide range of options to develop their own research and great flexibility to match their interests.
Duration of the programme: 3 years
Courses will be taught in English
Places available: 4 with scholarship + 1 without scholarship
Campus: NOI Techpark Bozen-Bolzano
The aim of the PhD programme is to allow students to acquire the abilities and skills to carry out independent research in the area of computer science. This also involves the ability to communicate ideas clearly and efficiently orally and in writing and the ability to work in groups.
In order to conclude the programme successfully, the PhD student has to elaborate a research topic independently and this research must contribute significantly to current knowledge in the area of computer science. Due to the time limits of the programme, PhD students will focus on their research work. To achieve this, they are supported by a structured PhD programme.
The programme is divided into four stages, respectively ending at months 6, 12, 24, and 36 of the programme.
During the three years of the PhD programme, candidates are required to commit full-time to the PhD, and the programme will include both working on the research project and learning activities. Students are also strongly encouraged to carry out part of their research in another university or research center, for a longer period, ranging from 1 month and up to 18 months. This is an extremely valuable opportunity for a PhD candidate to study specific aspects of their research in depth under direct supervision of world experts in their chosen research topic. It is also an opportunity to carry out research in highly stimulating and competitive contexts, while exchanging ideas with other scholars and establishing an early network of colleagues in the world of research.
We have established partnerships with many universities and research institutions in Italy and abroad, such as the Technical University of Dresden, the Universidade Nova of Lisbon and the Technical University of Vienna. In addition, members of our Faculty cooperate on a regular basis with other universities and research institutes, such as Oxford University, Rice University Houston, Zürich University, Sapienza University of Rome, University of Trento, and FBK Trento.
Some of the PhD positions are collaborations supported by external research and industry partners (Fondazione Bruno Kessler FBK, Südtiroler Informatik SIAG, NOI Techpark, Barbieri Electronic snc, University of Umea).
PhD Programme Coordinator: Prof. Antonio Liotta
Student representative in the Lecturer's Committee: Thomas Borsani
Living in South Tyrol, Housing, Scholarships and more
Application procedure, Visa, Residence permit and more
You can find key information to apply and gain admission to this PhD Programme. Detailed information will be available in the next months at this page in the general and specific calls.
In order to gain admission to the PhD programme, you will have to demonstrate competence in the languages of the PhD programme.
Publication of the call: 07/05/2025
Application deadline: by 11/06/2025 (by noon local time)
Admission interviews (online): by 30/06/2025 (via MS Teams)
Publication of ranking lists: by 11/07/2025
Applicants with scholarship: by 24/07/2025 (by noon local time)
Applicants without scholarship: by 07/08/2025 (by noon local time)
Enrolment: Starting from 25/07/2025 until 31/10/2025
Total Positions: 5
Positions with scholarships: 4
Positions without scholarship: 1
In order to apply to this programme you need one of the following qualifications:
If you have not yet achieved one of the above mentioned titles within the enrolment deadline, you will be admitted conditionally to the selection procedure and you must produce the degree certificate within the enrolment’s deadline. If not, your application is considered null and void.
Prerequisites for admission to the doctoral programmes are an appropriate educational and/or cultural background and/or experience in the research. Qualifications in the field of interest of the PhD programme are preferred.
The Commission reserves the right to decide and to assess whether or not previous qualifications are suitable for admission purposes.
To confirm your study place, you need to log in to the application portal and pay the following fees (€ 250 in total) using one of the payment methods indicated on the portal by the specified deadline.
If you fail to meet this deadline, you will automatically lose your place. Once you have confirmed your place by paying the instalment, there is no refund of tuition fees unless you are a non-EU applicant living abroad and you have not received the necessary documents from the Italian authorities in your country.
There are no other fees to be paid.
For further questions contact us by phone at +39 0471 012800 or send us an e-mail: