1st Level Master in
This master aims to provide a specialisation in the field of fire protection engineering by completing the basic training and supplementing it with conceptual tools and practical approaches required for the proper performance of the profession.
In a scenario of strong renewal of the building stock, fire safety is one of the most relevant and at the same time one of the most challenging areas of activity in the coming years. The new era in the construction sector, characterised by an increasing drive towards renovation, by building models developed in height and with complex geometries, and by the development and use of new materials with a reduced environmental impact, makes it important to develop and disseminate specific competences according to the different requirements regarding fire design, risk management, escape analysis, and the behaviour of materials when subjected to high temperatures.
It is not only a matter of ensuring and managing the safety of building occupants in the event of a fire, but also of managing the fire risk, minimising the time out of service and facilitating the restoration of the building structure following a catastrophic event such as a fire (post-fire serviceability, business continuity, and fire resilience). It is important to focus on prevention to reduce the risk and increase the sensitivity of all the actors involved in the life cycle of buildings and the processes underlying them.
In this context, this programme aims to offer the advanced and interdisciplinary preparation indispensable for the integrated management of fire safety.
It is aimed at candidates awaiting employment or already employed as:
and in general to all those who are interested in increasing specific and operational professional skills, on the issues of fire risk prevention, mitigation and management.
Particular attention will be paid to calculation and simulation methods, the most advanced active and passive prevention systems, as well as integrated design and timber building aspects.
ECTS credits: 60
Duration of the course: 1 year
Courses will be taught in: Italian and English
Places available: maximum of 35
Campus: NOI Techpark Bozen-Bolzano
Tuition fees: 3,500 € per year (+ 173 € provincial tax for the right to study)
The master aims to complete the first-level university education by focusing the preparation of technicians on the problems and aspects typical of fire engineering. In particular, the training objectives are those relating to the four areas of interest typical of fire engineering, i.e., fire science, human behaviour and evacuation, fire protection systems and fire protection analysis. To these are added legislation and regulations and correct building design, in terms of prevention and not only reaction to fire.
The training offer is articulated on a study path of 1500 hours in total, of which:
The integrated project activity consists of the in-depth analysis of a case study proposed by the lecturers, students or companies in the sector, agreed in advance with the course council. Students will be divided into groups according to the criterion of complementarity of skills and will tackle an in-depth design task. Part of the project hours will be spent in the classroom and will take the form of case study visits, project finalisation meetings, organised visits to workshops, etc.).
The final paper consists of a presentation of the work carried out in the integrated project activity with particular focus on the activities carried out by the individual candidate.
The calendar is designed for working people, facilitating the reconciliation of study and work. Lessons will take place approximately from October 2024 to July 2025 with the exception of break periods due to public holidays.
Classes will be concentrated on two days of the week, preferably Friday afternoon 14:00-18:00 and Saturday 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00.
To obtain the title, a compulsory attendance of 70% of the planned activities is required. This percentage must be complied with for each didactic delivery method.
Changes may be made to the teaching calendar due to justified organisational requirements. Any changes to the teaching calendar will in any case be agreed with students and lecturers..
The programme aims to train fire protection engineering professionals with the possibility of self-employment, as part of the liberal professions, as consultants and experts in fire protection, or employment in companies that produce systems and components or provide consultancy in the same field, or finally in the public administration at the authorities and offices responsible for the subject.
già Capo del Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco
La Fire Safety Engineering rappresenta un momento di evoluzione dinamica all’approccio alla sicurezza antincendio. Negli anni a venire si apriranno nuove sfide che evidenziano la necessità di un approccio integrato alla progettazione in cui la sicurezza antincendio deve coniugarsi con le altre esigenze progettuali. Una sfida è senz’altro rappresentata dagli interventi di riqualificazione edilizia che, a fronte di uno scenario di cambiamento climatico, mira a produrre edifici con prestazioni energetiche elevate aprendo il campo alle necessarie valutazioni sperimentali e progettuali finalizzate a determinare le proprietà dei prodotti utilizzati. Il percorso è lungo ed è di grande conforto vedere l’interesse dei professionisti su queste tematiche, dimostrato anche dall’avvio della I edizione di questo Master. Il corso si innesta in un momento di transizione culturale importante, ed è per questo che il CNVVF ha istituzionalizzato il rapporto con l’iniziativa formativa attraverso la stipula di una convenzione - con il fine di favorire iniziative congiunte di studio, formazione e ricerca nell’ambito dell’ingegneria antincendio.
You can find all you need to know in order to apply and gain admission to this study programme by browsing through the information below.
Application: 29/05/2024 - 12/07/2024 (by 12 noon)
Admission interview: 22/07/2024 (online)
Publication of the ranking lists: 30/07/2024
Enrollment deadline: 20/08/2024 (12 noon)
Start of lectures: last four months 2024
Application: 26/08 - 09/09/2024 (12 noon)
Admission interview: 13/09/2024 (online)
Publication of the ranking lists: by17/09/2024
Enrollment deadline: by 23/09/2024 (12 noon)
Start of lectures: last four months 2024
Application: 31/10 - 07/11/2024 (12 noon)
Admission interview: 11/11/2024 (online)
Publication of the ranking lists: by 12/11/2024
Enrollment deadline: by 21/11/2024 (12 noon)
Start of lectures: ultimo quadrimestre 2024
The minimum number of enrolled students required for the master to be activated is 16 and the maximum number is 35.
Applicants with a university degree or other equivalent qualification in agronomy, forestry sciences, engineering, architecture, chemistry and physics or a professional degree for graduate agro-technicians, graduate surveyors, graduate agricultural surveyors, graduate industrial surveyors may be admitted.
However, the council of the master may also accept students with different degrees if they can demonstrate equivalent work experience.
Graduates from foreign universities may also take part if the degree obtained is evaluated as equivalent for the sole purpose of admission to the programme by the Council.
Students about to graduate are also eligible for selection, provided that the required degree is still obtained at the time of registration
You must have a good knowledge of Italian and English. It is not necessary to prove official teaching languages by means of language certificates.
Your application must be submitted online through the Application Portal. The deadlines are indicated in the “Deadlines” section.
Please note: Mendacious declarations will be criminally prosecuted and will result in the automatic exclusion from the ranking list.
According to current regulations, it is possible to enrol in up to 2 study courses at the same time. The two study courses must differ for at least 2/3 of the course contents.
If you have been admitted to more than one study programme, you can secure your admission for a maximum of 2 programmes by paying the designated rate twice.
1. Choose the study programme and pay the fees (to secure your admission) in the application portal.
The deadlines are indicated in the “Deadlines” section.
Please note that you do not gain full student status by only paying the tuition fees. This status will only be acquired upon enrolment. If you have secured your admission, there will be no refund of the tuition fees unless you do not pass your secondary school final exam.
The fee will only be refunded if the Masters programme will not be activated due to the insufficient number of enrolled students.
2. Enrol online in the application portal.
The deadlines are indicated in the “Deadlines” section.
Enrolment is recommended as early as possible, so you have the possibility to upload incomplete documents before the deadline.
If you do not meet the enrolment deadline, you will be excluded and the next applicant in the ranking list will be admitted.
Admission with reservation: If you do not have the required academic qualification, you will be given a conditional offer for a study place and you must submit your qualification upon enrolment. If you achieve your qualification after the enrolment deadline, you cannot enrol, and you will lose your place which will be offered to the subsequent applicant in the ranking list.
3. If you have a foreign university degree, during enrolment you must upload:
If you have gained your qualification abroad in one of the Countries that are signatory to the Lisbon Convention you must also upload:
If you have gained your qualification abroad in a country that is not a signatory to the Lisbon Convention, you must also upload:
unibz performs the necessary checks on your foreign qualification and in case of doubt reserves the right to request additional documents.
Please note that if you do not possess a valid admission qualification, you can be excluded with Rector’s decree even after enrolment.
Tuition fees amount to €3,500. The amount is to be paid in a single instalment upon enrolment.
Payment of fees is a prerequisite for enrolment.
If you abandon your studies, renounce them, or are excluded from them, you are not entitled to a refund of the amount paid.
As an alternative to the entire master's course, you may attend individual courses for professional training. This option is also available for professionals in the sector who do not have the qualification required for admission. There is no selection procedure for this purpose.
The maximum number of participants is 10. Study places will be allocated based on the chronological order of arrival of applications (on a 'first come - first served' basis).
You will be able to attend one or more integrated courses, with the relevant modules, and obtain a certificate of attendance if you attend at least 70% of the lectures.
If you pass the relevant examinations, you may also obtain recognition of these examinations should you enrol in subsequent editions of the programme (should they be activated) in the following three years.
Enrolment fees for each integrated teaching are € 400.
To register for individual courses, follow the procedure here.
The Advisory Service provides support regarding your choice of study. In many cases a simple call or a short request is enough to get the relevant information (Tel. +39 0471 012100).