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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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Master in

Energy Engineering

Energy Engineering is a multi-university master programme, jointly managed by the Faculty of Engineering of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of University of Trento.

Course Description

This course is the result of the increasing spreading of technologies connected with the spread generation and the optimized management of energy and the consequent increasing demand of engineers able to develop and propose efficient and innovative technological solutions to deal with the issues deriving from the progressive depletion of fossil non-renewable sources and the environmental impacts due to the use of energy. The course contents focuses on the issues of energy efficiency in buildings and in productive cycles, the energy production from middle-small sized plants of renewable sources, which have a reduced environmental impact and serve customers in the surrounding areas.

Coordinator of the study programme at unibzProf. Giovanni Pernigotto
Student representative in the Course Council: Franzoi Dominique, Calliari Giovanni


Detailed information at the website of the University of Trento.

You must apply to the University of Trento (administrative seat of the course).

Online Info Sessions

We offer online information sessions in the coming months during which the master programme will be presented and where interested students can address their questions to professors and students. The Info Sessions take place on the following days:

  • to be defined

At a glance

Degree class: LM-30
ECTS credits: 120 ECTS
Duration of the course: 2 years
Courses will be taught in English (Optional courses will be offered in Italian and German)
Places available: 40 EU + 10 Non-EU
Campus: NOI Techpark Bozen-Bolzano and Trento

Double Degree Programmes (Erasmus Mundus)

We offer a Double Degree programme within Erasmus Mundus Joint Master ME3+ in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy. This master is aligned with the European Green Deal strategy and is an integrated and innovative programme combining Energy and Environmental Process Engineering together with Management, Social Sciences and Information and Communication Technology.

This master is jointly offered with IMT Atlantique (France), BME Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) and University of Borås (Sweden). At graduation, students obtain both the degree (Laurea Magistrale) awarded by unibz and the corresponding "graduate" degree awarded by IMT Atlantique.

Hands-on Experience

Visit to the Melinda construction site in Val di Non (TN) to deepen the understanding of HVAC systems

Visit to some of the HVAC systems of Povo and Mesiano (TN) to witness the practical application

Visit to the Zoccolo Dam in South Tyrol, managed by Alperia, experiencing the application in hydropower plants of environmental fluid mechanics

Visit to Dolomiti Energia in Castel Tesino (TN) to a hydroelectric plant

Employment prospects

The course aims at training experts able to deal with the various aspects of planning, implementing and managing the integrated energy systems, such as production plants supplied from renewable sources, low energy consumption buildings and networks able to transport electric and thermic energy from the production site to the local consumption sites.

Energy engineers work as independent professionals or in public and private companies, industries of the energetic and thermo-energetic sectors and public and private utilities. Graduates might be admitted to PhD programmes in the field.

Well prepared and ready for the job market. On the website of AlmaLaurea you can check statistical data about graduates’ satisfaction and their employability.

go to the survey (in Italian)

Carlotta Dolzani

Research and Development | Agenzia per l’Energia Alto Adige CasaClima

My academic journey provided a strong foundation in engineering and energy efficiency. Inspired by my positive experience in the bachelor at unibz, I pursued further studies there, benefiting from its interdisciplinary approach, hands-on projects, and trilingual environment. This prepared me for my role in my company, where I manage the building energy performance calculation tool, applying my expertise daily. The programme’s blend of theory and practice is vital to my work in building energy efficiency. 

Matteo Merli

Building Physics and Environmental Design Specialist | Atmos Lab

Driven by a passion for building efficiency and sustainable design, I chose this multidisciplinary and international programme. Its English-taught courses prepared me for a global career, including abroad. Practical projects blending theory and application developed skills essential to my role. The supportive, innovative learning environment fostered by dedicated professors further enriched my experience. Now, as a Building Physics Specialist at Atmos Lab in London, I optimize building performance and run energy efficiency simulations.

Daniele Gusmerotti

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) Engineer | Röchling Automotive S.r.l.

I am actively involved in the design of plastic components for the automotive industry, including fuel tanks, oil reservoirs, electrical circuits, and battery cell containment frames. My role is to support the design process by performing various validation tests and optimization assessments using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. I work with a range of physical phenomena, including fluid dynamics, thermal management, electrical systems, and more recently, electromagnetic and optical simulations. This master programme has significantly enriched my academic journey and equipped me with critical knowledge and skills that have been instrumental in my professional development. 

Claudia Fiabane

Project leader | Clivet S.p.A.

After graduating from unibz in the Bachelor in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, I went on to do this master, specialising in energy efficiency and sustainable technologies. My thesis on a patented Enolgas product won the AiCARR prize for the best Italian energy thesis and was published in their journal. I started my career in building automation at Ekon GmbH, developing digital energy saving solutions, before moving to the R&D department of Clivet S.p.A.. There I progressed from systems engineer to project manager, managing the development of heat pumps for ventilation and air conditioning. My academic background has been the key to overcoming professional challenges. 

Noah Luciano Taufer 

Product Personalization Specialist | Ferrari S.p.A.  

This programme has provided me with exceptional skills and a solid foundation for a seamless transition into the professional world. The courses offered are designed to fully prepare individuals for roles as energy engineers, but go beyond that. The tools and methodological approach acquired are highly versatile, applicable across different disciplines and in high demand in corporate environments. After graduating, I joined Mitsubishi Electric as a sales engineer. Shortly afterwards, I was recruited by Ferrari S.p.A. as a product personalisation specialist. The mindset, problem-solving approach and analytical vision developed during my studies at unibz have been and continue to be invaluable assets, giving me a distinct competitive edge in my professional life. 

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