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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Tenured associate professors | Creativity, Cognition, Logic, Ontology

Oliver Kutz

+39 0471 016124

BZ B1 5.36
Faculty of Engineering
NOI Techpark - Bruno-Buozzi-Straße 1 - via Bruno Buozzi, 1

Short bio

I received a PhD from the University of Liverpool in 2005 and hold the Italian habilitations for Full Professor in 01/B1 (Informatica) and 09/H1 (Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni). I also hold the habilitations for Associate Professor in 11/C2 (logica, storia, e filosofia della scienza) and in 01/A1 (logica matematica e matematiche complementari). 

I was PI in the EU Project COINVENT, Program Chair of FOIS 14 and of DL 23, and General Chair of JOWO 17, FOIS 18, EKAW 20 and 2022, and ICCC 22. I was the chief organiser and scientific chair of the 2020/21 Bolzano Summer of Knowledge, serve on the Editorial Board of the Journal Applied Ontology and am Associate Editor of CEUR.

Since 2023, I am the President of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA). 


Discrete Mathematics

76239 · MAT/01 · Bachelor in Computer Science · EN

Knowledge Representation

76252A · INF/01 · Bachelor in Computer Science · DE

Discover more about Oliver Kutz

Computer science Award People

unibz researchers receive inaugural "Best of JOWO" award for ontology paper

Anton Gnatenko, Oliver Kutz, and Nicolas Troquard win the first "Best of JOWO" research paper award.

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Main Research Areas

Dr Kutz' research foci lie at the crossroads of computational and philosophical logic, cognitive artificial intelligence, computational creativity, and applied ontology. 

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