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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

EduSpace - Lernwerkstatt


Imagine the Lernwerkstatt as an open learning space in which scientific literature as well as didactic materials are provided in German, Italian and Ladin language. The subjects are sorted by the South Tyrolean Framework Directives and invite for discovering, testing and scrutinizing, regardless of ages or institutions.

Thinking about didactic is the focus of EduSpace - Lernwerkstatt. Own ideas and considerations for educational activities in the kindergarten and didactic settings at school can be designed and tested here. The EduSpace - Lernwerkstatt opens up the space and the opportunity to generate hypotheses for existing questions, to search answers, to present results and to discuss them. On own educational processes can be reflected in doing the explorative learning.

The scientific literature as well as the teaching materials are continuously updated and expanded. The materials are for individualising and personalising learning and can be used both subject-specifically and across subjects. Topic boxes and teaching-learning materials for use in kindergarten and school can be borrowed via the virtual Lernwerkstatt. A collection focusing on work with artificial intelligence in early childhood education is currently under construction.


Impressions of EduSpace - Lernwerkstatt


Exhibitions, seminars, book presentations and conferences take place regularly for students, professionals, teaching staff members and interested people in the EduSpace - Lernwerkstatt. Find out more in the event archive.

EduSpace - Lernwerkstatt is located on the first floor at the Brixen-Bressanone campus and can be accessed during the opening hours of the Library. Please note that the Lernwerkstatt is being used for the teaching activities at the Faculty.


Dr. Susanne Schumacher (photo), Scientific Director
Dr. Stephanie Mian, RTD – Consultant in General Didactics
Eva Moser, Learning Counselor



Event Archive

  • Die EduSpace Lernwerkstatt ist Mitglied im Verein "Internationales Netzwerk der Hochschullernwerkstätten“ (NeHle) und präsentiert aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse im Rahmen der jährlichen Fachtagung.

  • Partner des ERASMUS+ Projekts „I’m not a Robot – working with artificial Intelligence in Early Childhood Education”, Mai 2021 bis Juni 2023

  • Student work from the media education workshop "Filming with tablet and mobile phone", 05, 12 November and 10 December, Brixen-Bressanone Campus.
  • Spielen - Lernen – Arbeiten: Hochschullernwerkstätten zwischen Kooperation und Kollaboration, 13. bis 15. Februar 2019, Campus Brixen 
  • MINT-Fachdidaktik und Allgemeine Didaktik im Gespräch: Differenzierung, 14 March 2018
  • EduSpace Lernwerkstatt Kindergarten spezial. Buchvorstellung und Workshop: Judith Watschinger, Das Kindergartenbastelbuch. Kreatives Gestalten mit Kindern ab 3 Jahren, 8, 9 and 17 January 2018
  • Mathematik in der EduSpace
  • -Lernwerkstatt, BRIMA Primar, 31 October 2017
  • Lernräume gestalten. Buchpräsentation: Bernadette Grießmair, Kinder(t)räume in der Kita. Schritt für Schritt zu einer individuelle Raumkonzepte entwickeln & Ulrike Stadler-Altmann, Lernumgebungen. Erziehungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Schulgebäude und Klassenzimmer, 23 October 2017
  • Spickzettel-Ausstellung, October 2016 – June 2017
  • Eröffnung EduSpaces, 26 October 2016
  • MINT-Fachdidaktik und Allgemeine Didaktik im Gespräch: Problemlösen als Prinzip der Unterrichtsplanung, 22 April 2016
  • Institutional Buildings and their connection through the community – planning, building, working for schools and kindergarten – International Symposium, 31 March 2016
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