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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Teaching staff

Giuseppe Sciortino

Short bio

Giuseppe Sciortino teaches sociology at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento. He has been a visiting professor at Haverford College, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Yale University, and the University of Malmö. He has chaired (2010-14) the Research Committee 16 ‘Sociological Theory’ of the International Sociological Association and is a Canada-Italy Innovation Award winner 2017. He is currently a faculty fellow at the Yale Center for Cultural Sociology.  His main research interests are social theory, international migration, and the social dimension of sexual and erotic life. He is the author of Great Minds. Encounters with Social Theory (with Gianfranco Poggi, Stanford University Press, 2011) and Rebus Immigrazione (Il Mulino, 2017). He has recently edited The Cultural Trauma of Decolonization. Colonial Returnees in the National Imagination (with Ron Eyerman, Palgrave, 2019),  Populism in the Civil Sphere (with J.C. Alexander and Peter Kivisto, Polity, 2021), and The Research Handbook in the Sociology of Migration (with M. Cvajner and P. Kivisto, Edward Elgar). He is working with Martina Cvajner on a cultural history of the sexual revolution. 


Social change and normalisation

64185 · SPS/12 · Bachelor for Social Education · EN

Social Change, Diversity and Inclusion

51091 · SPS/12 · Bachelor in Social Work · EN

Main Research Areas

Cultural Change

International Migration

Sexual behavior



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