Tenured full professors | Didactics of German literature
Short bio
Jeanette Hoffmann studied German, Mathematics, Protestant Religion, Educational Science, Intercultural Education and Polish (First State Examination) at the WWU Münster. She worked as a cultural assistant at the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen in Opole/Poland and as a research assistant at the FU Berlin, where she received her doctorate with a multi-award-winning study on "Literary Conversations in Intercultural Contexts". She completed her second state examination at a Montessori primary school in Berlin. After lecturing at the TU Dresden and the PH Oberösterreich, she was full professor (W2) of Primary Education/German at the TU Dresden before she took up her university professorship (ordinaria) in the Didactics of German Literature at unibz.
12425C · L-LIN/13 · 5 year master degree in Primary Education - German section · DE
12425D · L-LIN/13 · 5 year master degree in Primary Education - German section · DE
15144B · PhD Programme in Education and Social Sciences · DE
12425A · L-LIN/13 · 5 year master degree in Primary Education - German section · DE
87011 · L-LIN/14 · Training course for primary school teachers of German as a second language in Italian · DE
12426 · 5 year master degree in Primary Education - German section · DE
13426 · 5 year master degree in Primary Education - Ladin section · DE
Discover more about Jeanette Hoffmann
Graphic storytelling, literature learning and language acquisition
Children's and young adult literature and its didactics
Reading and media socialization
Intercultural learning and multilingualism
Empirical research on reception, classroom interaction and profession
New publication
Weltzien, Dörte/Heike Wadepohl/JeanetteHoffmann, /IrisNentwig-Gesemann/Sven Nickel (Eds.) (2023): Early Literacy. Forschung in der Frühpädagogik Band 16. Freiburg: FEL.