Giulia Bertagnolli, Alessandro Casa, Giacomo De Luca, Francesca Marta Lilja Di Lascio, Jan Ditzen, Alessandro Fedele, Davide Ferrari, Greta Goracci, Elisabeth Gsottbauer, Andreas Heinrich Hamel, Martin Meier, Luciano Marzufero, Alexander Moradi, Francesco Ravazzolo, Paolo Roberti, Stefan Franz Schubert, Mirco Tonin, Benjamin Weißing
The Research Cluster encompasses research in the theoretical foundation and the methodological aspects that are relevant for the empirical study of the economy/economic life/economics.
Its research activities can be classified into to the following interconnected domains:
Involving experts in methodology as well as applied scientists, the research agenda addresses issues that are at the core of the current scientific debate, affecting society, individuals, institutions and markets.