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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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Law, Economics and Institutions

Law, Economics and Institutions


Roberto Farneti


Stefania Baroncelli, Benedetta Carlotti Ivo De Gennaro, Paolo Giudici, Hannes HofmeisterRalf LüfterMonica RosiniLaura Valle, Peter Agstner


The cluster encompasses research in both the comparative analysis of law & economics in the private and public sector, and the study of legal, ethical, and political systems. The area fosters research across disciplines and national/linguistic boundaries. Research results are published mainly in English, but also in Italian and German, considering the prevailing national dimension of some disciplines.

It research focus is on developments at different levels of government (regional, European, and international) and on a range of diverse but related issues such as: legal issues regarding economic and monetary governance; economic analysis of law and empirical legal studies; European private law in the information society; democracy and citizenship;  regions and regionalism; governance and policies in multilingual societies; efficiency and efficacy in the public sector; enterprise, contracts, and human rights; philosophical and aesthetical models of economics; effects of EU laws on the domestic order.

Cluster members have identified topics of common interest, notably, regionalism and languages, with specific reference to the protection of linguistic rights of new and old minorities, the effects of European Union Law on the autonomy of South Tyrol and the regions, and the protection of ethno-regional parties. A second field of study relates to the economic and financial analysis of law (both at EU and international levels), with spill-overs on European case-law on monetary policy and the rules concerning limited liability companies in the context of competition among legal systems in Europe. A third field of study centers on interdisciplinary research involving the sphere of ethics coupled with managerial or economic ideas, such as the notion of authenticity, and philosophical models of economic theory. A forth area of interest links the concept of democracy with political theory and European Union law, with work done on the political theory of international relations, the disintegration of the European Union, and political parties. A final research field concerns the different areas of law declined in their international dimension, such as abuse and elusion in tax law. Scholars are committed to present their research to a wide audience and to publish articles in international and national journals and in books or edited books.

The language as a factor of political and social integration

The language as a factor of political and social integration

Researchers at unibz

Stefania Baroncelli, Hannes Hofmeister, Roberto Farneti, Monica Rosini


The research project was evaluated to be of relevant national interest (PRIN 2010-11) by the Italian Ministry of Education. The main aim of the local Bolzano unit was to investigate whether the legal and political rules adopted by regions with special autonomy to protect old minorities’ languages could be considered as an advantage for integrating new minorities. The recognition of language rights is in fact an essential step in order to integrate immigrants, especially in the fields of public administration, health, courts, education, and labour market.  The results have been published in the open-access journal “Osservatorio sulle fonti”, n.1, 2016 (

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