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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Tenured full professors | Quantitative Finance

Alex Weissensteiner

Short bio

Alex Weissensteiner is a professor of quantitative finance. He completed his doctoral studies at the Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck. In the following years, he conducted research and taught at the Universities of Innsbruck and Liechtenstein. In 2013, he accepted the position of Professor for Financial Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark. At the Free University of Bolzano, he served as Coordinator of the Quality Committee (2016-2020), Vice-Dean for Studies (2018-2020), Study Course Director of the Bachelor in Economics and Management (2015-2020), and Vice-Rector for Studies (2020-2024). Currently, Alex Weissensteiner is the Rector of the Free University of Bolzano. His research interests lie in asset allocation and both theoretical and empirical asset pricing. He has published in leading journals in his field.


Risk Management and Derivatives

25437 · SECS-S/06 · Master in Accounting and Finance · DE

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To the magazine

Main Research Areas

- life-cycle asset allocation 
- parameter uncertainty
- financial engineering
- scenario generation
- asset pricing
- financial risk management
- market microstructure
- information economics
- quantitative methods for the banking and insurance industry

Selected publications

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