* Thesis Project Phase 1
Students have to choose 1 Thesis Project Phase among (A) or (B).
** Free Choice Courses
Students have to choose free choice courses for a total amount of 12 credit points. These courses may be chosen among those offered by the Faculty of Design and Art and/or those of the other faculties of unibz. At the beginning of each academic year, the Faculty announces which courses are offered and recognised as free choice.
*** Seminars
During the 4 semesters, students must attend 3 seminars which provide useful knowledge for the introduction in to the job market, among the offered ones, for a total of 6 credits. Attendance of the seminars is compulsory and foresees a pass/fail test.
**** Degree Thesis
In the fourth semester, you develop a final project as your master’s degree. You can choose your project. Your work is overseen by a thesis supervisor and a co-supervisor. You present and discuss it before a board.