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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Course Offering

On this page we show the lectures that are currently offered in the two semesters. It does not illustrate the structure of the study programme.

Target: Single subject and exchange students


Semester 1

Natural risks in mountain areas: processes and mitigation strategies

3 CP · 47052 · AGR/08 · EN

Francesco Comiti

Johannes Holzner

Semester 1

Applied statistics and computer programming for environmental modelling

6 CP · 47053

Applied Statistics

3 CP · 47053A · SECS-S/02 · EN

Andrea Menapace

Computer programming

3 CP · 47053B · INF/01 · EN

Andrea Antonello

Semester 1

Geomatics and landscape planning

6 CP · 47001


3 CP · 47001A · GEO/04 · EN

Lukas Egarter Vigl

Andrea Dell'Agnese

Simon Tscholl

Landscape planning

3 CP · 47001B · ICAR/20 · EN

Tommaso Sitzia

Semester 1

Landscape Ecology and ecosystem restoration

6 CP · 47050

Semester 1

Management of forests and agriculture resources in mountain areas

9 CP · 47051

Semester 2

Advanced geomatics and environmental impact assessment

6 CP · 47032

Advanced geomatics

3 CP · 47032A · AGR/10 · EN

Andrea Antonello

Semester 2

Restoration ecology and economic appraisal of mountain areas

6 CP · 47054

Semester 2

Nature conservation and management

9 CP · 47033

Wildlife management

3 CP · 47033C · AGR/19 · EN

Stefano Filacorda

Semester 2

Management of mountain rivers

6 CP · 47056

Hydromorphology of mountain rivers

3 CP · 47056A · AGR/08 · EN

Francesco Comiti

Vittoria Scorpio

Flood risk mitigation in mountain rivers

3 CP · 47056B · AGR/08 · EN

Francesco Comiti

Velio Coviello

Stefano Crema

Semester 2

Mountain agriculture

9 CP · 47055

Livestock management

6 CP · 47055B · AGR/19 · EN

Matthias Gauly

Ioanna Poulopoulou

Semester 2

Forest planning and protection forestry

9 CP · 47031

Protection forestry

3 CP · 47031A · AGR/05 · EN

Giorgio Alberti

Alessandro Andriolo

Forest harvesting and logistics

3 CP · 47031C · AGR/09 · EN

Raffaele Cavalli

Semester 2

Sustainable development of mountain areas

9 CP · 47057

Semester 2

Technologies for low input agricultural systems

6 CP · 47043 · AGR/09 · EN

Giovanni Carabin

Free choice courses

Semester 1

Water and Sediment Management

5 CP · 47011 · AGR/08

Water and Sediment Management in mountain drainage basins_VO

3 CP · 47011A · AGR/08

Water and Sediment Management in mountain drainage basins_UE

2 CP · 47011B · AGR/08

Semester 2

Interdisciplinary Excursion

0 CP · 47016